Be able to reuse a test by referencing it from another test - i.e. adding a step in a test, that executes another test ("Test as Step").
Posted on:26 Sep 2019 18:45
This feature would be very useful and I am running into similar issues with this not being included. Having to create duplicate tests when it shouldn't be needed is a huge hassle and just a waste of time when it comes to writing and execution.
Posted on:17 Nov 2016 11:24
Hi Simon,
Thanks for your feedback.
I want only to ask you a simple questions: Do you expect to create deep nesting of tests as a steps or only one level is enough for you?
Best Regards,
Ivan Atanasov
Simon Hall
Posted on:17 Nov 2016 11:19
This would be very useful.
Common scenario i have is require to login to API to get token before executing other api operations. But if I create seperate Tests, everyone needs to execute the login step - need a goto: Test. Works ok if i run all tests together as the login test can run first and set the project variable. but sometimes i want to run individual tests. (unless there is some way i couldn't see how to do this already)