Last Updated: 11 Jan 2017 09:08 by ADMIN
Created on: 10 Jan 2017 20:04
Type: Feature Request
Creation of "system test" that uses individual test steps as objects that can have different data binding
This would be useful as an "object oriented" use of test steps.

The goal would be to reuse test steps for different data inputs and website global settings for our website testing.  Another benefit of the test bind data being set outside of the test step is that source control would be relatively unaffected by the modification of data input into the bound table.

Considering using MS Access to have tables bound to specific test steps and deleting records and appending new records prior to test step execution within a system test (some are simple functional test and others are more complex system tests and setups).

In our proposed implementation a 'coded step' would need to be executed prior to the test step to clear and append the table which is bound to the test step.  Btw, many of the test steps are bound to a table with a single record.

Perhaps allow instances of test as steps to be inserted in a test case with instance specific data binding.  This may not be ideal but it should work.
Daniel Djambov
Posted on: 11 Jan 2017 09:07
If you need further help or guidance how to implement the above proposals, please use our ticketing system. If none of the above approaches work, please provide more detailed use cases of what you would like to achieve, so we can file a Feature Request for your scenario. Thank you for your feedback.
Daniel Djambov
Posted on: 11 Jan 2017 09:03
There are different approaches to accomplish this with our current implementation: 
Option1: we provide Test As Steps that can InheritParentData and when called from different parents to run with different data; 
Option2: you can use a master test that calls a test that cleans and prepares data of another test (pre-conditions and cleanup operations) and then call the actual test that uses the data within the same parent test. 
Option3: This can be done (but not recommended) by creating ordered test lists that call different tests to clean up and setup conditions for other tests
Option4: you can use our Execution extension, which is very powerful for customization and setting of clearing conditions ( - in it there is OnBeforeTestStarted() method which can be used to ensure clear conditions before the test starts execution or changes its data, etc. there is also OnInitializeDataSource() method for custom conditions while initializing the test data