Won't Fix
Last Updated: 10 Feb 2017 08:30 by ADMIN
Boyan Boev
Created on: 16 Dec 2016 12:12
Type: Bug Report
JavaScript events triggered in Test Studio fail on a locked machine
Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a web test.

2. Highlight an element, select JavaScript events and choose one of the events  from the elements menu.

3. Run the test remotely on a locked machine.

Expected: The JavaScript event should be triggered.

Actual: The step fails with the following exception:

ExecuteCommand failed!
InError set by the client. Client Error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Javascript call [var eventObjJSON = 'null';var eventObj = JSON.parse(eventObjJSON);var eventType = "MouseEvents";var eventName = "click";var evt = document.createEvent(eventType);if (!evt) throw "Error creating event";var altKey = false;var ctrlKey = false;var shiftKey = false;var metaKey = false;if (eventType == "HTMLEvents" || !eventObj) {evt.initEvent(eventName, true, true);}else {if (eventObj.modifiers & 0x01)altKey = true;if (eventObj.modifiers & 0x02)ctrlKey = true;if (eventObj.modifiers & 0x04)shiftKey = true;if (eventObj.modifiers & 0x08)metaKey = true;if (eventType == "MouseEvents") {var button = 0;if (eventObj.button & 1)button = 0;else if (eventObj.button & 2)button = 2;else if (eventObj.button & 4)button = 1;var relatedTarget;if (eventObj.relatedTarget)relatedTarget = eval(eventObj.relatedTarget);evt.initMouseEvent(eventName, true, true, window, 0, eventObj.screenX, eventObj.screenY,0, 0, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget);}else if (eventType == "KeyboardEvent") {var keyCode;var charCode;keyCode = eventObj.keyCode;if (eventName == "keypress") {charCode = eventObj.keyCode;}else {charCode = 0;}var keyNum = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(keyCode)).toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);var keyIdentifier = "U+00" + keyNum.toString(16);evt.initKeyboardEvent(true, true, window,keyIdentifier,0, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey);}}var target = document.getElementsByTagName('button')[0];target.dispatchEvent(evt);] failed! Please make sure the function exists and the call is using the correct prototype signature. Javascript error: [object Error] 
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.InvokeFunction(String functionCall, Boolean useEval, Boolean returnJson, IHTMLDocument2 doc)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.InvokeEvent(IHTMLElement target, BrowserCommand command)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessActionCommands(BrowserCommand request)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessCommandInternal(WebBrowserClass ieInstance, BrowserCommand request, IHTMLDocument2 document)
BrowserCommand (Type:'Action',Info:'NotSet',Action:'InvokeEvent',Target:'ElementId (tagName: 'button',occurrenceIndex: '0')',Data:'onclick--@@--null',ClientId:'Client_9d2a2f4a-9726-48e4-b794-12fd1643390c',HasFrames:'False',FramesInfo:'',TargetFrameIndex:'-1',InError:'True',Response:'System.InvalidOperationException: Javascript call [var eventObjJSON = 'null';var eventObj = JSON.parse(eventObjJSON);var eventType = "MouseEvents";var eventName = "click";var evt = document.createEvent(eventType);if (!evt) throw "Error creating event";var altKey = false;var ctrlKey = false;var shiftKey = false;var metaKey = false;if (eventType == "HTMLEvents" || !eventObj) {evt.initEvent(eventName, true, true);}else {if (eventObj.modifiers & 0x01)altKey = true;if (eventObj.modifiers & 0x02)ctrlKey = true;if (eventObj.modifiers & 0x04)shiftKey = true;if (eventObj.modifiers & 0x08)metaKey = true;if (eventType == "MouseEvents") {var button = 0;if (eventObj.button & 1)button = 0;else if (eventObj.button & 2)button = 2;else if (eventObj.button & 4)button = 1;var relatedTarget;if (eventObj.relatedTarget)relatedTarget = eval(eventObj.relatedTarget);evt.initMouseEvent(eventName, true, true, window, 0, eventObj.screenX, eventObj.screenY,0, 0, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget);}else if (eventType == "KeyboardEvent") {var keyCode;var charCode;keyCode = eventObj.keyCode;if (eventName == "keypress") {charCode = eventObj.keyCode;}else {charCode = 0;}var keyNum = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(keyCode)).toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);var keyIdentifier = "U+00" + keyNum.toString(16);evt.initKeyboardEvent(true, true, window,keyIdentifier,0, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey);}}var target = document.getElementsByTagName('button')[0];target.dispatchEvent(evt);] failed! Please make sure the function exists and the call is using the correct prototype signature. Javascript error: [object Error] 
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.InvokeFunction(String functionCall, Boolean useEval, Boolean returnJson, IHTMLDocument2 doc)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.InvokeEvent(IHTMLElement target, BrowserCommand command)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessActionCommands(BrowserCommand request)
   at ArtOfTest.InternetExplorer.IECommandProcessor.ProcessCommandInternal(WebBrowserClass ieInstance, BrowserCommand request, IHTMLDocument2 document)')
InnerException: none.

The workaround is to trigger the events directly in the browser through a coded step:


1 comment
Posted on: 10 Feb 2017 08:30
We are not able to get reliable repro on this behavior on a few remote locked machines, thus we are forced to close the feedback. If a reliable repro is provided we will be happy to take a look at this case again.