Last Updated: 10 Nov 2016 07:17 by ADMIN
Created on: 08 Sep 2016 13:39
Type: Bug Report
TFS connected project - If the name of an already scheduled test list is changed this is not reflected to the calendar view of scheduled jobs
Steps to reproduce: 

1. Open a source control connected project and schedule a test list with "Get Latest from TFS" option enabled. 

2. Rename the test list and check in your changes before the scheduled test list will be executed. Expected behavior: The name in the calendar view of the scheduled jobs to be changed and the test list to be executed as it would happen if the project is not connected to TFS. 

Actual behavior: Getting the latest project version of TFS causes the scheduler to not find the respective files pointed in the created job because of the changed name and the test list is not executed at all. 
1 comment
Posted on: 10 Nov 2016 07:17
This issue is resolved and the fix will be available in the next release of the product.