Last Updated: 08 Jan 2024 07:25 by ADMIN
Created on: 14 Jun 2016 06:24
Type: Feature Request
Being able to chose inherit level: nested multilevel data driven tests
Multilevel nested data driven tests in a project (find attached). See structure below: 

Initial test -> runme - root (fail) 
--calls ''lvl1 - dd" which is datadriven

lvl1 - dd
--calls "lvl2 - dd (pass DD to lvl3)" which is datadriven

lvl2 - dd (pass DD to lvl3)
--calls "lvl3 - dd inherit" which is datadriven + inheritparentdatasource

Expected behavior: lvl3 inherits lvl2 data and all tests pass

Actual behavior: lvl3 inherits lvl1 data and doesn't find a match and all tests fail. 

A user expectation is that inherited data is only a level above in the nested structure.

For reference in the project is also added an initial test "runme - root (ok)" which works fine since it calls a variant of "lvl1" that is not data driven.
1 comment
Daniel Djambov
Posted on: 20 Jun 2016 07:42
Telerik: this is indeed the current implementation and some users count on the existing behavior - changing it will introduce a breaking change. We have modified it to Feature Request to implement option to inherit data from direct parent or top parent and this will be reviewed by our PM team. Thank you for the feedback.