Last Updated: 18 May 2016 13:58 by Mark
Created on: 26 Nov 2014 19:50
Type: Bug Report
Using MStest to run ordered test of Test Studio tests yields "The path is not of a legal form"
1) Using Visual Studio create an ordered test
2) Put at least one Test Studio test into the ordered test
3) Try to run the ordered test from the command line like this:
MSTest /TestContainer:orderedtest1.orderedtest

Expected: All tests in the ordered test to execute
Actual: No tests run at all. Instead you get the error message "The path is not of legal form". Even if you specify a .testsettings file with Deployment enabled it does not work. An ordered test with only coded unit tests does work.
1 comment
Posted on: 18 May 2016 13:58
I am seeing this also, is there a recommended way to get more verbose information from mstest about what the input is that is causing the problem?