Last Updated: 03 Oct 2014 21:41 by Ewin
Daniel Djambov
Created on: 01 Oct 2014 11:33
Type: Bug Report
Test Explorer scrolls always to Recording marker and makes bad usability for tests with many steps
In Test Explorer, when a test has with many steps so a vertical scrollbar is present, if the Recording Marker (where the next recorded/added step will be placed) is at the bottom of the page, when performing actions like Quick Execute, change description of a step, etc. the view is automatically scrolled to the bottom of tha page (to the recording marker), making it very inconvinient for the user to scroll to top and continue his work. Here is a video to demonstrate one of the cases:
Posted on: 03 Oct 2014 21:41

Something I just noticed is that when right clicking on a verification/wait/extract step to be a one of the other two options, this also happens as well.  
Daniel Djambov
Posted on: 03 Oct 2014 10:54
Telerik: The issue is fixed and solution will be available in our next product release, planned in October 2014.