Last Updated: 12 Jul 2017 06:46 by Pete
Created on: 24 Jun 2016 10:03
Type: Feature Request
Report Explorer automatically expands the tree on every Property change
When using the Report Explorer, the tree automatically expands to all levels expanded, on making any change to a Property for the currently selected item.
This makes using the Report Explorer very frustrating, so you end up shouting at the window to 'Stand Still!".
Posted on: 28 Jun 2017 10:01
This issue seems to have been solved in the V11.0.17.406 release.
The bug is described in the Release Notes:

ReportExplorer scroll position is reset on property change.

This Feature Request may be marked as complete.
Posted on: 27 Aug 2016 09:05
I was about to post this same thing... here's mine, but first, let me say that I love Telerik Reporting. I can't believe I ever used that OTHER reporting software, yours is a hundred times easier to use, understand and customize.

We produce very complex large reports with lots of controls added to them. Every time anything about one of the controls in the report is changed (like binding or expression), the tree display moves to the top of the report tree. It wastes several hours of time per report. I'm attaching our newest line item quote report(s) so you can see how having to find your place in the tree after making a change can be challenging in just one of our reports. If it is not possible to not have the carat of the tree stay put, maybe you could add a search to find a node in the report display tree.

Thanks for all your hard work!
Attached Files: