Last Updated: 17 May 2017 10:25 by ADMIN
Created on: 06 Jun 2016 18:25
Type: Feature Request
Silverlight report viewer not clearing cache
The Silverlight report viewer control never clears the cache out of the database. Steps to reproduce:

1. Configure the database cache provider with mssql as defined in the documentation.

2. View a report by setting the Report property of the viewer with the class name of the report.

3. Clear the report when the user is done viewing the report by setting the Report property of the viewer to null.

I see the request to invalidate the report session, but the cached data remains in the database. 

Raw request:
 <s:Envelope xmlns:s=""><s:Body><RenderAndCache xmlns="Telerik.ReportService"><format></format><report></report><deviceInfo xmlns:d4p1="" xmlns:i=""><d4p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType><d4p1:Key>InvalidSessions</d4p1:Key><d4p1:Value xmlns:d6p1="" i:type="d6p1:string">["035e4409-655c-49ab-a5b0-b9bf5e0d9859"]</d4p1:Value></d4p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType></deviceInfo><parameters xmlns:d4p1="" i:nil="true" xmlns:i="" /></RenderAndCache></s:Body></s:Envelope>
1 comment
Posted on: 17 May 2017 10:24
The old cache mechanism does not include automatic clearance of unused entries. You will need to add custom functionality to clear the cache database.

We'd recommend to switch to the new HTML5 Viewer (HTML/JS/CSS) based widget, as it is served by the dedicated Reporting REST service. The service has timeouts letting it know when to clear old entries from the specified storage. For more details please check the Cache Management topic at the following link: