Last Updated: 12 Jul 2024 12:49 by ADMIN
Created on: 01 Jul 2024 21:46
Type: Feature Request
column width and spacing

I would like to request an option on bar charts or column chart where the bars can be separated or pushed apart.  The default in Telerik is to place all bar series next to each other, which is visually terrible.  Attached is a sample image below.

I simple spacing option would be great!

Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Posted on: 12 Jul 2024 12:49

Hi, Todd,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have cast your vote for the item to increase its priority. 

Note that the public feedback portal allows us to be better aware of the needs of our customers by reviewing all requests and measuring their popularity. Our roadmap and priorities depend largely on the business value and customers' demand for specific features, and we take into account the most popular requests when planning our future development efforts. 

With that being said, we agree that adding a property to control the space between bars(series) in the same category would be helpful, and have approved the request. You will automatically get notified when the development of the feature begins as the status of the item will be changed.

Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Progress Telerik

Stay tuned by visiting our roadmap and feedback portal pages, enjoy a smooth take-off with our Getting Started resources, or visit the free self-paced technical training at https://learn.telerik.com/.
Posted on: 08 Jul 2024 13:01

Hi Dess,


Thank you for this.  Unfortunately this produces undesired effects such as creating creating a line around the entire bar so now it appears to hover over the base. 


We had logged a case Ticket 1654483 and given the current limitations the solution was to log a feature request to solve this issue. 

Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Posted on: 08 Jul 2024 12:43

Hi, Todd,

According to the provided information and having in mind the other ticket you have opened on the same topic (Ticket ID: 1654483 - Bar chart - Alignment and width), I suppose that this feature request is related to introducing new functionality for managing the bar elements' spacing within the same group. Please correct me if I am wrong. Make sure that you cast your vote for the item to indicate properly your demand.

Currently, the possible way to change the spacing between the bar items is demonstrated here: Change the Gap between the Bars in the Graph.

Alternatively, you can play with the LineWidth property for the BarSeries to manage the spacing:

I hope this information helps. If you need any further assistance please don't hesitate to contact me. 

Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Progress Telerik

Stay tuned by visiting our roadmap and feedback portal pages, enjoy a smooth take-off with our Getting Started resources, or visit the free self-paced technical training at https://learn.telerik.com/.