I was using the standalone Report Designer for .NET Framework from November 2023 (R3 2023 SP1) (Telerik.ReportDesigner.exe).
I do not recall if I was using the x86 or x64 version.
The file had actually been created by using the Crystal Reports converter and then altered to give the desired behaviour that the Crystal Report had provided.
I have tried to reproduce this today, and can not seem to do so. I am not sure what happened. It is quite disappointing when this occurs.
I have had several Windows 11 Updates applied to my system, although I am unsure why that would have affected it.
It was definitely happening and had happened several times while I was editing a report file, I am quite certain that I had closed the designer once or twice during my editing as well.
I will try again soon to see if I can reproduce this.
Obviously this would be much hard to figure out the cause when one cannot.
I do appreciate your time on this.
Posted on:29 Mar 2024 11:19
Hi Mark,
Can you elaborate on how to reproduce the issue?
For example, can you send a video showing how you add a Panel with Report items, and then change the Panel size, and upon undoing the last action (resize) the item(s) disappear?
I tried locally with the Standalone Report Designer for the .NET Framework and couldn't reproduce the problem in multiple scenarios.