To prevent questions that I can't answer: I'm an end user for this product. I DO NOT have the ability to look at or update code related to the tools integration. So please ignore my answers to Product Version and Target Framework. They were required before I was allowed to post this ticket.
The uploaded report has 6 components.
Two panels (one containing multiple objects, the other only containing one object [hb2])
4 text boxes each with some bindings.
The two key components to look at for the issue are hb and hb2. Both these objects are identical and both have the same bindings for height and top.
From my math hb2 is correctly positioned and sized by hb has been pushed down. The only difference is that other objects are in the container for hb.
Without any containers, hb and hb2 are positioned incorrectly.
I'm doing all this because the vertical alignment for text boxes was not working, once I exported to PowerPoint.
What I expected was that the Top value would only depend on the container holding the component and the components' top value. I did not expect it to be dependent on a mixture of variables from other components also held within the same container.