Currently, the WinUI ReportViewer has a hard dependency on Windows due to the fact that the internals rely on the Win32 print dialog.
This means I cannot define the ReportViewer in a WinUI class library to be shared with multiple front-end WinUI projects. If you attempt to do this, there's an internal crash because the project cannot resolve System.Windows.Forms.
This feature request is ask if you can replace the Win32 print dialog with the WinRT printing API.
Research Note: Here's a GitHub thread where Microsoft is discussing the topic Question: Printing in WinUI 3 Desktop · Issue #4419 · microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml ( Here's their current recommendation:
var hWnd = WinRT.Interop.WindowNative.GetWindowHandle(App.StartupWindow);
var printMan = PrintManagerInterop.GetForWindow(hWnd);
await PrintManagerInterop.ShowPrintUIForWindowAsync(hWnd)