Last Updated: 12 Feb 2021 08:16 by ADMIN
Created on: 12 Feb 2021 07:49
Type: Bug Report
The WebReportDesigner doesn't display the parameter values for the WebServiceDataSource in the configuration wizard
The problem with the web report designer occurred after updating to R1.2021version. I used a web service datasource in a report and created one inline and one query parameter. But as you see from the attached file, the values of those parameters are shown as Object instead of showing real value. I see this issue after updating to R1 2021, but in the previous version, it was showing correctly. If you open the report via Standalone Report Designer it shows correctly.
Attached Files:
Posted on: 12 Feb 2021 08:16

Hi Mirzodaler and Tursunhuja,

The issue has been logged earlier and is already fixed and will be released with the upcoming service pack - WebServiceDataSource parameter values are not displayed correctly in the Web Report Designer WebServiceDataSource wizard. For that reason, I will mark this duplicate thread as 'Declined'. Please, follow the discussion in the referenced bug report.

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Posted on: 12 Feb 2021 08:03


When this bug is planned to be fixed? Can we have it with R1 SP1?
