Last Updated: 05 Feb 2021 15:32 by ADMIN
Created on: 04 Feb 2021 19:04
Type: Feature Request
Color individual xaxis column

I am using this to color the xaxis, but I notice, it changes the color of all items, so what I want is to color them individually based in a condition like this:

XAxis.Style.Color =  IIf(ToolStatus=1,'Green','Red')

The problem all the text is in green not considering the condition individually by column.

1 comment
Ivan Hristov
Posted on: 05 Feb 2021 15:32

Hello Mario,

Thank you for logging this feature request. We reviewed it and concluded that the scenario makes sense and will improve the overall functionality of the Graph item. We discussed a few implementation ideas and so far we think that this conditional styling should be allowed only for axes that have a Category scale, because there each slot represents a Category group. Currently in the CategoryGroup properties the users have the ability to set the group's label to an expression using the Label property. It makes sense to add an additional property named LabelConditionalFormatting to the CategoryGroup properties and use it to control the styling of the axis label.

I will set the status of the feature request to Unplanned, because it is not in our current development plans. After aligning it with our product roadmap and based on the votes it receive, we'll schedule it for implementation. You'll be automatically notified for each change in the items status.

Ivan Hristov

Reporting Team