Last Updated: 15 Dec 2020 11:13 by ADMIN
Release R3 2020 SP1
Created on: 28 Sep 2020 15:57
Type: Feature Request
Render SVG images using vector primitives in PDF format
This will allow the SVG images to retain high quality at all zoom levels.
Ivan Hristov
Posted on: 27 Oct 2020 07:57

I'm really glad to hear that, Simon. Meanwhile we managed to resolve the problem appearing in Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader and the fix will be included in the next release of our product.

Ivan Hristov

Telerik Reporting

Posted on: 22 Oct 2020 23:24

Thanks Ivan.  I tested the SVG in a PDF and it works correctly when zooming in and out.


Thanks again, Simon.

Ivan Hristov
Posted on: 22 Oct 2020 10:59

Hi Simon,

Sorry for being unclear. In R3 2020 SP1 the rendering of the SVG images in PDF is done using native PDF graphical primitives rather than rendering to a raster bitmap. The idea was to preserve the quality at all zoom levels in the PDF document. Our implementation is on experimental stage which means some of the SVG features are not supported. For example paths that use gradient fill will be rendered using solid color, obtained from the first of the gradient colors. Additionally some SVG files are not rendered correctly or at all by Adobe Acrobat/Adobe Acrobat Reader, while other applications like FoxIt PDF Reader or browsers like Chrome or Microsoft Edge have no problems with it. We're aware of these issues and we aim to fix them in a subsequent release of our product. If you have problems with the vector-based SVG rendering in PDF, you can always fall back to raster rendering by setting the key UseSvgVectorRendering to false in PDF Device Information Settings object.

All best,
Ivan Hristov
Telerik Reporting

Posted on: 21 Oct 2020 21:01

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for the update. I'm not sure I follow what you are saying. Are you saying the above requirement has been met wi?

Thanks, Simon

Ivan Hristov
Posted on: 21 Oct 2020 17:02
Hi all,

I wanted to let you know that in R3 2020 SP1 we introduced basic support for vector rendering of SVG markup in PDF documents. Features like gradients, text-on-path and some advanced transformation over nested elements are not supported. In case the SVG you need to render in PDF contains some unsupported features that produce incorrect output, we advice to switch to raster rendering. This can be done through the PDF Device Information object and its key UseSvgVectorRendering. You can read more in the PDF Rendering Design Considerations article. 

All best,
Ivan Hristov
Telerik Reporting