Last Updated: 13 Mar 2025 09:05 by ADMIN
Created on: 29 Apr 2020 18:13
Type: Feature Request
Don't want non-visible textboxes to appear in CSV output


I see from support threads that Telerik really resists any changes to their concept of CSV rendering.  And I also understand the reasoning in not changing any default behavior due to its potentially unwanted effect on established customers.

That said, I wonder if the ability to exclude hidden objects (TextBoxes for example) has been proposed and is in the list of potential enhancements.  I wouldn't mind if it required a configuration setting like NoHiddenObjects = True where the default is False.

Has that been considered?

Duplicated Items
Posted on: 13 Mar 2025 09:05

Hello Steve,

Indeed, the action for downloading the raw data is currently available only for the Windows Forms Report Viewer and the Standalone Report Designer, where the same viewer is embedded for preview.

Our plans are to provide the same functionality for the other Report Viewers soon.

Since the functionality is an action, you won't be able to use it with the ReportProcessor.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 06 Mar 2025 13:10

Hi Todor,

Thanks for the "Download Raw Data" suggestion. It should be a good feature. Unfortunately, even if I was ready to upgrade from .Net 7, it doesnt appear to be available for the HTML5 viewer or be an alternative export option for ReportProcessor render.

Posted on: 05 Mar 2025 11:45

Hi Steve,

I suggest trying the action Download Raw Data, which we added with our latest release 2025 Q1. It lets you download the filtered data from the selected data item.

We will also consider your suggestions when starting the implementation of the current feature.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 26 Feb 2025 11:45


I am sure there are a number of reasons to keep the current CSV renderer without losing any existing functionality.

I suggest the implementation of a new data centric CSV renderer. It should render only the tabular data as returned from the report's primary datasource[*]. It should also process any filters and sortings defined for the data item. This will give a very useful data output of the reports raw/"base" dataset - any parameterised logic/filtering applied. Including calculated fields would be very useful.

Additional features could be to use only data fields as defined by text boxes included in the detail section - or maybe a specified table data item can be used to define the output fields for the CSV render. If possible, additionally, being able to include selections of text boxes in detail and/or group sections, while still outputting a flat tabular data result in the CSV. These would allow further refinement of the output data by expressions.

[*] As a report definition doesnt always have a datasource defined against the report item, there should be some reasonable logic to determine the "main" or "default" datasource. I assume that the implementation of any renderer specific components or features are not wanted within the report definitions themselves. For the case of multiple datasources being defined, maybe a hidden parameter can be used to specify a datasource to use for the CSV render or a datasource naming convention (prefix?) be required, that could override a default selection.

Posted on: 14 Feb 2024 11:35

Hi everyone,

I think that it might be best to keep the current functionality of the Visible property as only affecting the output in visual display formats - and have other means to control the rendering of data formats like CSV.

I have added a more detailed comment to my duplicate request - see "Duplicated Items" above.

Posted on: 14 Feb 2024 10:01
 I am facing the issue where textboxes with Visbile = false are displayed in csv exports. i believe its the same issue raised here. Do we have an update on this issue.
Posted on: 07 May 2020 07:46

Hi Jim,

It sounds like the problem you're experiencing is very frustrating. I understand your reasoning and completely agree that the experience can be improved. I've made this feature request public so that other users who have requested it can vote and speed up the process for prioritisation -> planning -> implementation.

Meanwhile, I really want to help you by providing a workaround that you can take into consideration. I'm sorry my previous comment isn't relevant to your situation. There are other suggestions like using table group filters or hiding the whole column in the CSV export programmatically. If you'd like, you can open a ticket with your specific report and we can try to achieve something similar to the desired behaviour, for the time being.

Thank you for your patience!

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 06 May 2020 15:10


I believe you have missed the point of this request.  The situation involves a textbox with a value (which is essential for producing the result I need), but whose .Visible property is False.  I do not want to change the value of the textbox, I just want it to be not included in the CSV output -- i.e., I do not want the textbox to render as an empty column in the output.  I need to apply the same ability to XLSX output.

Is that a clearer explanation?


Posted on: 06 May 2020 07:49

Hi Jim,

We've added a relatively new functionality that gives you the type of the rendering format during the processing of the elements. You can try setting the value expression of the hidden textbox to something like this: = IIf(RenderingFormat.Name = "CSV", "", "my value"). The "" will set the value to an empty string only if the rendering format is CSV. For the rest of the formats, you can keep "my value" (or replace it with a custom nested another logic that hides and shows the textbox).

Progress Telerik

Progress is here for your business, like always. Read more about the measures we are taking to ensure business continuity and help fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our thoughts here at Progress are with those affected by the outbreak.