The report processor renders a report to XLSX format and adds a BOM (EF BB BF) to every embedded XML file. This is causing some open source libraries to fail to load the XLSX file, which is an issue for some of our customers. var deviceInfo = new System.Collections.Hashtable(); var reportProcessor = new Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportProcessor(); var result = reportProcessor.RenderReport("XLSX", instanceReportSource, deviceInfo); The work-around is to load the XLSX file in Excel (which apparently ignores the BOM) and then save it (which removes the BOM). I have read that the BOM is optional (and undesirable for compatibility) for UTF-8 encoded files, which is how the report processor renders XLSX. Please remove the BOM, or add a Device Info setting "WriteBOM = true/false", similar to the CSV export device info. Thanks, much appreciated!