Last Updated: 18 Aug 2022 15:52 by James
Created on: 08 Jun 2017 14:41
Type: Feature Request
Easier editing of reports exported to Word format
We often receive feedback regarding hard/impossible editing of reports after they are exported to Word format.
The existing rendering mechanism will produce Word tables which are harder for manual editing - http://docs.telerik.com/reporting/designing-reports-considerations-word

Let us know in comments about your experience with editing reports exported to Word format so we can understand more clearly what is required from Reporting Word rendering extention.
Posted on: 18 Aug 2022 15:52

Good discussion here. I also ran into this problem when exporting a report to Word. While the report looks good, it is not functional. It uses no style headings and I was unable to tag them as Heading 1, Heading 2, etc. so they would appear in the Navigation panel. I understand the need to use tables to absolutely position text, but if there is a way to allow editing and style-tagging of text that would be helpful. Unfortunately, Microsoft Word does not support heading text embedded in tables - it will not appear in the Navigation headers panel.

Posted on: 25 May 2022 12:17

Hi Paul,

Our report engine is designed with printing in mind. For that reason, we expect changes to the report to be done during the report design and creation. I am afraid that there is no other workaround that I can provide for the Word or RTF document editting.

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Posted on: 18 May 2022 15:51
Thanks for the information and I can now export in either Tables or Frames modes. In fact, it turns out that the default being used for our report was Frames mode judging by the output produced. Unfortunately, Tables is actually worse for editing the output than Frames is. There are 2 main issues. Both export the file with each section of text in a defined "frame". If the user wanted to add text to that frame the frame would not grow and the text would not be visible. If the user resizes the frame so that the text is visible that is fine except resizing the frame doesn't then force the following frames to move down with it - I guess each frame is effectively absolutely positioned instead of being relative to the other content. If there was a solution for that it would help immensely. My colleague, who has Adobe Acrobat, tells me the process of editing a PDF export of the report is very similar except that selecting all lower content to move down in Adobe is easier than it is in Word to do the same thing, albeit resizing a single frame doesn't automatically move all lower content in PDF either. Any other thoughts on this one?
Posted on: 18 May 2022 08:47

Hello Paul,

You can use the Example from the extensions Element article. For example;

                <extension name="RTF" description="RTF Description">
                        <parameter name="RenderingMode" value="Tables"/>


Progress Telerik

Brand new Telerik Reporting course in Virtual Classroom - the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products. Check it out at https://learn.telerik.com/.
Posted on: 11 May 2022 12:50

Hi Todor

No we haven't tried changing the RTF rendering format. I've just been looking through the documentation and I can see a number of ways in which to address that but no specific examples of all the parameters necessary to ensure I set it correctly first time. Is there some documentation on the process that's a bit more informative/specific or can you advise on the best approach?



Posted on: 27 Apr 2022 13:50

Hi Paul,

Thank you for the detailed explanation of the scenario, the requirements, and the problems related to the report being exported in Tables in the DOCX extension.

Did you try with RTF export in 'Frames' format - see the articles RTF Rendering Design Considerations and RTF Device Information Settings?

There is also an option of Creating a Custom Extension that may let your users correct the reports after being exported.

Progress Telerik

Brand new Telerik Reporting course in Virtual Classroom - the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products. Check it out at https://learn.telerik.com/.
Posted on: 20 Apr 2022 13:51

The report output we're producing here follows a specific prescribed layout that in general cannot be edited in terms of format of output or structure so going to the trouble of providing a web designer in the app would be a step that could then cause further issues in the production of the output in terms of legality or conformity to the required standard.

What is permitted is to modify or adapt specific "chunks of text" with regard to the particular output - we're doing that as much as possible already via data in the app itself. This unfortunately can't cover all eventualities and the problem comes when one of the manual edits makes the particular paragraph longer than it previously was which requires us to extend the text area that gets exported and then move down all further areas to fit the change. For a document of about 7 pages long with an edit possible on just the 2nd page for example this is a painful process. I've merged as many separate text sections as possible but due to the need for each section to have headings and some parts of the text to incorporate fixed text and data from the database plus sub-reports of list data and also changes of font style for some emphasised points it's not possible to output everything in one long text field so we get an exported output of multiple separate text areas all of which are output as fixed size and in a fixed location. If the export was done in such a way that if any particular part of the output was extended then the rest would move down that alone would be a big help. We've determined that editing a PDF export using Acrobat is easier than editing a Word format export but obviously that can't be the answer as most users don't have a PDF editor.

Posted on: 20 Apr 2022 13:39

Hello Paul,

I am really sorry to hear that the current potential for editing Word documents doesn't satisfy your needs. You mentioned that your users need to do some changes. Maybe you can consider testing the Web Report Designer. It allows embedding a report designer into your Web application. In this way, your users will be able to modify the report in advance and export it to Word.

Progress Telerik

Brand new Telerik Reporting course in Virtual Classroom - the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products. Check it out at https://learn.telerik.com/.
Posted on: 13 Apr 2022 11:19
We have an ASP.NET Core web app live in a client site and the users are also finding the editing of the exported output challenging. The report we are producing is based on a regulated form so needs to follow a fairly specific format. The original had all sections of the report included in panels that had solid borders but that made editing even more complicated. We've removed the boxes but due to the nature of the data that needs to be displayed in the report (each output spans around 8 pages) we have many fixed labels, many text boxes combining data from the SQL database plus fixed text and then some sub-reports of tables of data. The main issue we have is if the end user wants to add text to any of the exported labels or textboxes, they type the data but the box it's in doesn't auto expand so the additional content is not visible. Worse than that is the fact that each box position is absolute so increasing the size of one box forces all other boxes to be moved. Using Acrobat to edit PDF files gives very similar results. It is unfortunately a pretty common requirement to support editing so a workable solution is very important.
Posted on: 03 Aug 2021 08:44

Hello Ashley,

Thank you for your feedback. Currently, the status of the item is Unplanned. I noticed that you voted for the item, so once there is an update, you will get a notification.

Progress Telerik

Brand new Telerik Reporting course in Virtual Classroom - the free self-paced technical training that gets you up to speed with Telerik and Kendo UI products. Check it out at https://learn.telerik.com/.
Posted on: 27 Jul 2021 13:53
Have any updates been made on this? This is still requested functionality from our users, and would greatly improve user experience and usability. 
Posted on: 11 Sep 2019 12:18

The main purpose of our DOCX reports is to present data/reports. This is useful even without proper editing functionality, for example, when DOCX format is accepted as an internal communicational standard. Due to the specifics of the Reporting tool and our strive to export a document as close as possible to the designed layout, the editing may be difficult. We have designed our tool with the preference for better layout, sacrificing partly the editing functionality. The tables' layout was selected as the only option to stay in full control of the separate elements, but it restricts editing. We haven't found a better way for exporting in Word format without distorting the report layout yet.

Posted on: 04 Sep 2019 21:50

Is there any progress done on exporting reports to word or rtf format.

At the moment I find this functionality useless, the essence of exporting to Word is to be able to add text to the document created, otherwise we would export using pdf format.

 I need to export a document to word. The document has questions that require to be answered.

With the current format, it is very difficult for anyone to answer the questions, as it is very fiddly to click in the right place, or find the right place where you add your answer.

Please let me know what the updates and direction are on the subject as I will have to find a solution to export data to Word sooner rather than later.


Milen | Product Manager @DX
Posted on: 07 Dec 2017 12:15
Hi, we are forced to use tables to layout the Word document as this is the best option to achieve absolute positioning in this rendering format. The primary layout of any word processing product (like Word) is the flow layout, where each line is stacked after the previous following the paradigms of line height, paragraph, etc. But the reporting products (most of them) have absolute positioning for each item thus need to find some way of decent representation in a so popular format like Word. In RTF we also support the so-called "frames" mode, which are basically absolutely positioned boxes of content, but this also does not provide a good way of further editing. 
What we can do is investigate why there is no easy way to write a paragraph before or after a paragraph. We will consider this a bug and will notify here when it gets researched/resolved.
We can also consider the use of TextBox-es as an alternative to tables, like in RTF.
Posted on: 21 Sep 2017 07:24
Agree with Paul Kent - not being able to add content to exported Word document is realy show stopper. And in our case editing existing content ie. removing part of report and erasing white space between pages is also important. 

Posted on: 08 Jun 2017 15:47
Although l understand editing of exported Word documents is difficult due to the generated nested tables this l can live with; what l still believe to be a bug (not a feature request) is not being able to add content to the document after the exported report content.

Most of my exported reports (to word) are to start some sort of document that the end user adds to after the exported content, one scenario (but typical from my SSRS days) would be:

The report user selects a client and template (via parameters / sub reports), the report export then generates a business letter with the appropriate headings, subject, reference number, date, business address and client address, maybe with some content such as charts. This content for most purposes does not need to be altered, but the end user then adds to the document to complete it.

My expectations at present are simple, just add a blank paragraph after the exported nested tables so it’s possible to add content to the document (after the exported data), anything else other than this quick bug fix would be a bonus.