Last Updated: 04 Dec 2024 12:18 by ADMIN
Created on: 29 Nov 2024 23:52
Category: SpreadProcessing
Type: Feature Request
SpreadProcessing: Add Duplex Printing option

Hello! I'd like to request that the WorksheetPrintOptions library be able to specify what duplex to print. This is regarding:

namespace Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model;

In Excel there are currently 3 options (for my printer):

Print One Sided
Print on Both Sides (pages flip on Long Edge)
Print on Both Sides (pages flip on Short Edge)

Currently at my company, in order to save paper the default for everyone's printers is Print on Both Sides (Long Edge). (Our printer, btw, is a Canon iR-ADV C3826 UFR II).

On a report I have created in Excel with Telerik, it's 3 pages but it's meant to clip onto a clipboard so it can't be double sided. So I would like the option to do this:

worksheet.WorksheetPageSetup.PrintOptions.Duplex = PrintOptionsDuplex.OneSided;

something like that. However you want to implement it is fine. Duplex may be the wrong word here. Maybe just .OneSided = true; or .BothSidesLong = true; or something. 

Anyhow, I think that would be handy for my particular instance, and I think printing both sided for most people might save a lot of paper too so it might benefit other situations as well.

For now, I will instruct my clients they have to just manually switch to One Sided each time the print this report.


1 comment
Posted on: 04 Dec 2024 12:18

Hello Andrew,

You are indeed correct that the described printing option is not yet supported by the SpreadProcessing library. I have discussed your suggestion with the rest of the team and we have considered it to be added as a task in our Feedback Portal.

For that, we will use the current thread, as it is already part of a public Feature Request task - SpreadProcessing: Add Duplex Printing option. I have only allowed myself to change the title to make it more appropriate. As a sign of appreciation for bringing this to our attention, I have also updated your Telerik Points.

Please know that you can cast your vote for any task in order to increase its priority in our backlog and subscribe to it so you can track its progress by receiving status update notifications.

I hope this helps.

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