Last Updated: 25 Jul 2024 09:17 by Mark
IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when importing a specific document with defined section columns.
In Development
Last Updated: 24 Jul 2024 14:25 by ADMIN

Incorrect calculation of UsedCellRange when conditional formatting is applied to a large cell range.


var usedCellRange = workbook.ActiveWorksheet.GetUsedCellRange(
        CellPropertyDefinitions.AllPropertyDefinitions.Where(p => p.Name == "DataValidationRule" || p.Name == "ConditionalFormatting")));


In Development
Last Updated: 24 Jul 2024 10:42 by ADMIN

Latest version 2024.2.426:

Old version 2022.3.906:

Use the following code: 

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Test from 2022.3.906 to 2024.2.426.");
            string html = @"<html>
                    <style type=""text/css"">
                            h1 {
                               background-color: red;
                                background-color: blue;
                                background-color: yellow;
                   <h1>H1 - This Works </h1>
                   <h2 id=""highlight1"">H2 with id selector.  This works too.</h2>
                   <h3 class=""highlight2"">H3 with class selector.  This didn't work</h3>

            Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlFormatProvider html_provider = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlFormatProvider();
            RadFlowDocument document = html_provider.Import(html);

            string html_output = "output.html";
            using (Stream output = File.Create(html_output))

                html_provider.Export(document, output);
            Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = html_output, UseShellExecute = true });
Last Updated: 22 Jul 2024 15:56 by ADMIN

Exception "Format string is not in the correct format" is thrown when importing a file with the following format string: "US$"#,##0.0"m";($#,##0.0)

The exception is thrown in the ValidateDateTimeFormatDescriptor method. 

Last Updated: 19 Jul 2024 10:42 by Lucas

NullReferenceException is thrown when Find API is used on a newly created document.

Workaround: Export - Import the document before using the Find API

PdfFormatProvider pdfFormatProvider = new PdfFormatProvider();
byte[] exportedDocument = pdfFormatProvider.Export(document);
document = pdfFormatProvider.Import(exportedDocument);


Last Updated: 18 Jul 2024 09:03 by Rory

Workaround: this is the missing part after the export:

Last Updated: 18 Jul 2024 08:46 by Joe

Encoding table headers are preserved when creating subsets.

Last Updated: 17 Jul 2024 13:13 by Matthias
When the Normal style is modified (e.g. the IsWrapped property is set to true and now all cells have default text wrap set) and some individual cells have local values set that are the default ones (e.g. some cells are now set to NOT be wrapped), when the file is imported and then exported, the local values will be lost.
In Development
Last Updated: 16 Jul 2024 13:27 by ADMIN
Darker and lower quality image export on macOS.
Last Updated: 12 Jul 2024 14:51 by Akesh Gupta

Restrict the TableCellProperties API of a style according to specification.

In Development
Last Updated: 12 Jul 2024 07:07 by ADMIN

In a WPF project targeting .NET 6, the following code snippet results in an error:

        public MainWindow()

            Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlFormatProvider provider = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Html.HtmlFormatProvider();
            RadFlowDocument document = provider.Import("<html><body><h1>My First Heading</h1><p>My first paragraph.</p></body></html>");
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'System.Text.Encoding.CodePages, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. The system cannot find the file specified.'

Workaround: edit the .csproj file and include the required package reference:

		<PackageReference Include="Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow" Version="2024.2.426" />
		<PackageReference Include="System.Text.Encoding.CodePages" Version="7.0.0" />
		<FunctionsPreservedDependencies Include="System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll" />


In Development
Last Updated: 11 Jul 2024 15:19 by ADMIN

When importing a RTF document with bullet lists and exporting the RadFlowDocument back to RTF format the following result is observed:

- the bullet's left offset is changed

- the bullets color is also changed

Workaround: use the Telerik.Windows.Documents.FormatProviders.Rtf.RtfFormatProvider available in the Telerik.Windows.Documents.FormatProviders.Rtf.dll

Last Updated: 10 Jul 2024 05:38 by ADMIN
When table with table border without color set is created (the color is null), and the document is exported to PDF, ArgumentNullException is thrown. 

Workaround: Explicitly set a color where the color is null.
private void PdfExport()
	var tables = this.document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Table>();

	foreach (var table in tables)
		TableBorders coloredClone = this.CopyTableBorders_SetColorWhenOmitted(table);
		table.Borders = coloredClone;
		using (Stream output = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
			provider.Export(this.document, output);

private TableBorders CopyTableBorders_SetColorWhenOmitted(Table table)
	var leftBorder = new Border(table.Borders.Left.Thickness,
				  table.Borders.Left.Color ?? new ThemableColor(Colors.Transparent),

	var rightBorder = new Border(table.Borders.Right.Thickness,
				  table.Borders.Right.Color ?? new ThemableColor(Colors.Transparent),

	var bottomBorder = new Border(table.Borders.Bottom.Thickness,
				table.Borders.Bottom.Color ?? new ThemableColor(Colors.Transparent),

	var topBorder = new Border(table.Borders.Top.Thickness,
				table.Borders.Top.Color ?? new ThemableColor(Colors.Transparent),

	var insideHorizontalBorder = new Border(table.Borders.InsideHorizontal.Thickness,
			 table.Borders.InsideHorizontal.Color ?? new ThemableColor(Colors.Transparent),

	var insideVerticalBorder = new Border(table.Borders.InsideVertical.Thickness,
			table.Borders.InsideVertical.Color ?? new ThemableColor(Colors.Transparent),

	var tableBorders = new TableBorders(leftBorder, topBorder, rightBorder, bottomBorder, insideHorizontalBorder, insideVerticalBorder);

	return tableBorders;
In Development
Last Updated: 09 Jul 2024 14:28 by ADMIN

Error message:

System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Model.Types.PdfHexString' to type 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.Model.Types.PdfLiteralString'.'
Last Updated: 09 Jul 2024 10:39 by Smiljan

Center alignment is not respected for list numbering.



In Development
Last Updated: 04 Jul 2024 14:02 by ADMIN

When a format string of type: _ * # ##0_ ;_ * -# ##0_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_  is set through code and the culture settings of the machine are set so that the number grouping symbol is space, the resulting format string comes out incorrect on export: _,*,# ##0_,;_,*,-# ##0_,;_,*,"-"??_,;_,@_, 

This will happen every time the symbols in-between and after _ and * coincide with the number group separator.

In Development
Last Updated: 01 Jul 2024 12:36 by ADMIN
FormatException is thrown when getting the formatted cell value as string using "H" format.
Last Updated: 28 Jun 2024 14:53 by Anu

When a document with multiple headings ( Heading 1) are imported and then exported, their type from letters is changed to numbers, for example:

Original content: Part A, Part B, Part C

Exported content: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Last Updated: 24 Jun 2024 08:45 by Graham
Created by: Graham
Comments: 0
Category: PdfProcessing
Type: Bug Report

As a result of the below missing operator, some of the glyphs can't be extracted from the CFFFontTable and the characters are not displayed in the PdfViewer:

The end user result is missing letter from the PDF content.

Last Updated: 19 Jun 2024 07:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Arquimedes
Comments: 5
Category: PdfProcessing
Type: Bug Report

When an import of the attached PDF file is executed, the result is a file with vertically rotated images, as well as enlarged and distorted. This is part of the code executed in the final application. Do you have any idea why this is happening? Is there any suggested solution?

As a result of the imported file, other processes are executed, such as creating bookmarks and page numbering, but the result is incorrect when presenting the rotated images.

Please find attached a code snippet and the input and generated output file.

Thank you.


        private static void TestPDF()
            RadFixedDocument document;
            Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.FormatProviders.Pdf.PdfFormatProvider providerPdf = new();

            using (Stream stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead("C:\\TMP\\Ejemplo1-Input.pdf"))
                document = providerPdf.Import(stream);
                byte[] output = providerPdf.Export(document);

                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\TMP\\Ejemplo1-Output.pdf", output);
1 2 3 4 5 6