Hello! I'd like to request that the WorksheetPrintOptions library be able to specify what duplex to print. This is regarding:
namespace Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Model;
In Excel there are currently 3 options (for my printer):
Print One Sided
Print on Both Sides (pages flip on Long Edge)
Print on Both Sides (pages flip on Short Edge)
Currently at my company, in order to save paper the default for everyone's printers is Print on Both Sides (Long Edge). (Our printer, btw, is a Canon iR-ADV C3826 UFR II).
On a report I have created in Excel with Telerik, it's 3 pages but it's meant to clip onto a clipboard so it can't be double sided. So I would like the option to do this:
worksheet.WorksheetPageSetup.PrintOptions.Duplex = PrintOptionsDuplex.OneSided;
something like that. However you want to implement it is fine. Duplex may be the wrong word here. Maybe just .OneSided = true; or .BothSidesLong = true; or something.
Anyhow, I think that would be handy for my particular instance, and I think printing both sided for most people might save a lot of paper too so it might benefit other situations as well.
For now, I will instruct my clients they have to just manually switch to One Sided each time the print this report.
(DIPs) is a unit type used in RadWordsProcessing when setting the FontSize of a Run. If you load a document with font size in WordPad set to 20 points and load it to RadFlowDocument, its value is converted by using the following method. If the RTF content stored from WordPad is saved to HTML format with WordPad, the font size is preserved with the same unit: style='font-size:20.0pt;'. We should add the option to control the font size unit when exporting to HTML format.
Allow customers to encrypt their documents using certificates.
Currently, the chart is generated considering the format applied to the cells. Thus, when the decimal part is clipped, duplicated values may occur and the developer doesn't have the option to update it:
This is the code:
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
List<string> categories = new List<string> { "New", "In Progress", "Ready for Test", "Done", "Declined" };
worksheet.Cells[0, 0].SetValue("New");
worksheet.Cells[0, 1].SetValue(1);
worksheet.Cells[0, 2].SetValue(2.5);
worksheet.Cells[1, 0].SetValue("In Progress");
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].SetValue(2.8);
worksheet.Cells[1, 2].SetValue(0);
worksheet.Cells[2, 0].SetValue("Ready for Test");
worksheet.Cells[2, 1].SetValue(2);
worksheet.Cells[2, 2].SetValue(1);
worksheet.Cells[3, 0].SetValue("Done");
worksheet.Cells[3, 1].SetValue(1.4);
worksheet.Cells[3, 2].SetValue(0);
worksheet.Cells[4, 0].SetValue("Declined");
worksheet.Cells[4, 1].SetValue(3);
worksheet.Cells[4, 2].SetValue(0);
FloatingChartShape chartShape = new FloatingChartShape(worksheet, new CellIndex(5, 5), new CellRange(0, 0, 4, 2),ChartType.Column)
Width = 400,
Height = 250
CellSelection cellSelection = worksheet.Cells[new CellIndex(0, 1), new CellIndex(4, 2)];
CellValueFormat specialFormat = new CellValueFormat("0");
string outputFilePath = "SampleFile.xlsx";
Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.IWorkbookFormatProvider formatProvider = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.FormatProviders.OpenXml.Xlsx.XlsxFormatProvider();
using (Stream output = new FileStream(outputFilePath, FileMode.Create))
formatProvider.Export(workbook, output);
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = outputFilePath, UseShellExecute = true });
The requires options are setting the major/minor units for the axis:
When importing a document with button field with missing type, an error occurs.
51 0 obj << /Kids [ 70 0 R 71 0 R 72 0 R 73 0 R 74 0 R 75 0 R 76 0 R 77 0 R 78 0 R 79 0 R 80 0 R 81 0 R 82 0 R 83 0 R 84 0 R 85 0 R 86 0 R 87 0 R 88 0 R 89 0 R 90 0 R 91 0 R 92 0 R 93 0 R 94 0 R 95 0 R 96 0 R 97 0 R 98 0 R 99 0 R 100 0 R 101 0 R 102 0 R 103 0 R 104 0 R 105 0 R 106 0 R 107 0 R 108 0 R 109 0 R 110 0 R 111 0 R 112 0 R 113 0 R 114 0 R 115 0 R 116 0 R 14 0 R ] /T (Button 70) >> endobj
Workaround: Handle the exception: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/document-processing/libraries/radpdfprocessing/features/handling-document-exceptions
ArgumentNullException is thrown when importing a document containing a rule with no set format.
Following the steps:
1. Create two PDF documents that contain form fields where the name contain a period, e.g. "person1.name".
2. Merge the two documents: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/document-processing/libraries/radpdfprocessing/model/interactive-forms/form-fields/formfields#merging-documents-with-form-fields
Add support for creating Tables and applying tables styles (predefined ones or custom).
Implement page border property which could be applied over the whole document or over a specific page.