We use the PDF viewer in an WPF project and see sometimes faulty pdfs in the telerik viewer. If I open the pdf file in acrobat it lloks fine. Do you know this problem ?
Attached you find the original file and a screenshot from PDF viewer. Other files are shown correct in the telerik viewer.
The value of the TextBoxField is not visible until the field is clicked.
Workaround: Force content update:
foreach (var widget in textBoxField.Widgets)
If the update still doesn't fix the issue, change the font prior to setting the value of the field:
foreach (var widget in textBoxField.Widgets)
widget.TextProperties.Font = FontsRepository.Helvetica;
When a format string of type: _ * # ##0_ ;_ * -# ##0_ ;_ * "-"??_ ;_ @_ is set through code and the culture settings of the machine are set so that the number grouping symbol is space, the resulting format string comes out incorrect on export: _,*,# ##0_,;_,*,-# ##0_,;_,*,"-"??_,;_,@_,
This will happen every time the symbols in-between and after _ and * coincide with the number group separator.
After Excel introduced the dynamic array support, files produced with the older Excel versions have formulas that may be displayed with @ in some contexts. For example a file that had the following:
=SUM(IF(A1:A10=1, B1:B10, 0))
Will be displayed like so:
=SUM(IF(@A1:A10=1, B1:B10, 0))
This is done in order to preserve the behavior of the files created in older versions of Excel.
The files created by SpreadProcessing are also treated by Excel as if they are created by pre-dynamic array Excel. Please, introduce support for the new behavior.
Workaround: this is the missing part after the export:
MS Excel offers the following text styling options:
Hi there I have a pdf and whenever I try to Import the PDF file into PdfFormatProvider.Import method for flattening purposes, it throws null reference exception.
I have added a sample .net project with PDF added as source. You just need to run the project on your end. I am using version 2023.3.1106 of document processing library.
I am using ASP.NET 4.8 framework.