In Development
Last Updated: 09 Sep 2024 09:56 by ADMIN
Created on: 04 Sep 2024 13:06
Category: SpreadStreamProcessing
Type: Bug Report
SpreadStreamProcessing: Cell iteration is interrupted when it hits a cell containing an error
Hi, I have a spreadstreamprocessing project, in which I read excel files to import data into my database based on some criteria. I copied code from sample and made changes, but I am facing a problem in reading whole file. If there is a cell with Error, rowImporter stops working after it.  It does not throw any exception or error, just ends reading further from sheet. Is there any way to ignore cells with ERROR and read remaining cells?
1 comment
Posted on: 09 Sep 2024 06:31

Hello Kashif,

I managed to reproduce the same results on my end and can confirm that this is indeed an issue on our part as the iteration process should not be terminated when it reaches a cell containing an error. Because this thread has been created as a bug report I only allowed myself to make it the official page for the identified issue. I also modified the title to better describe the experienced results.

Please accept my apologies for the setbacks this might be causing you but there is no workaround I can offer you for this case except to use the SpreadProcessing library instead. If you are interested in the reported task feel free to subscribe to it in order to get notified about potential status updates. As a sign of appreciation for bringing this issue to our attention, I have also updated your Telerik Points.

Thank you for your understanding.

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