WordsProcessing: Importing a Document (.doc) where the entire content is in a table leads to an endless loop
Importing a Document (.doc) where the entire content is in a table leads to an endless loop.
Posted on:06 Nov 2023 15:51
Oops! My bad @Lee, I'm sorry.
What's important is that it's fixed now. :)
Posted on:30 Oct 2023 11:23
Hello Valery,
Thanks to you bringing this task to our attention as a security threat it now has our full attention and will be resolved in the upcoming Service Pack 1 in mid-November.
It is quite disappointing that this task is being overlooked for a year already, as it is a security issue - it obviously allows performing easy DoS attacks on any service that processes legacy Word documents with the Telerik Document Processing library.
We would really appreciate it if you look at it closely and fix it in the upcoming internal builds.