Last Updated: 04 Jan 2023 16:25 by ADMIN
Created on: 26 Apr 2016 05:07
Category: WordsProcessing
Type: Feature Request
WordsProcessing: Implement import from PDF
Implement import of PDF to RadFlowDocument, using PdfFormatProvider. This would require text recognition (including determining where paragraphs end as opposed to new line inserted because of the layout) and table recognition.

This will allow conversion of PDF documents to docx, RTF and HTML.
Posted on: 04 Jan 2023 16:25

Hello Faraz,

This feature is not in the upcoming plans for the next release. We cannot commit to a specific time frame for its implementation, it depends on its priority amongst other items and the impact they have. Please subscribe to the item so you can track its progress and get notified by email for any status changes.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing you.

Let me know if I can assist you further.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 04 Jan 2023 13:42
Is it in plan for 2022?
Posted on: 18 Aug 2020 20:28

Please, consider this at 2021!



Posted on: 25 Nov 2019 13:18

Hello Jeff,

Thank you for sharing your feedback. Please, make sure to also cast your vote for the implementation of this task as that will directly affect its priority in our backlog. Currently, the item is not scheduled for implementation and I cannot say when the functionality might be available. Continue following this item so you can receive notifications about status changes on it.

Progress Telerik

Get quickly onboarded and successful with your Telerik and/or Kendo UI products with the Virtual Classroom free technical training, available to all active customers. Learn More.
Posted on: 22 Nov 2019 14:34

this is very important, please do it soon as possible!


thanks in advance.

