Last Updated: 08 Oct 2024 12:43 by ADMIN
Created on: 25 Apr 2016 16:30
Category: PdfProcessing
Type: Feature Request
PdfProcessing: Support for metadata streams (XMP metadata)
To bring RadPDFProcessing to the next level you should support XMP metadata. This would extremely help to use pdf files from RadPDFProcessing in digital workflows.

Reference: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp.html
Posted on: 08 Oct 2024 12:43

Hello Jean-Marc,

Thank you so much for your kind and enthusiastic message! We're thrilled to hear that the addition of the Embedding File Streams functionality has been such a time-saver for you. It's always a great feeling to know that our tools are helping streamline your workflow, especially with tasks as important as these!

While we haven’t made a decision on implementing the XMP metadata feature yet, your vote has definitely been noted. It's feedback like yours that guides us in improving our tools, so we’re grateful for your continued engagement and detailed suggestions.

Thank you again for being such an active part of our community. We look forward to supporting your work with our products and hope to keep making your experience even better!

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 07 Oct 2024 07:42

Dear Super Telerik/Progress developers,

Thank you so much for listening and taking into account our remarks. It is so great to know that our requests can be somehow listened.

Thank to have included the possibility to create ZUGFeRD/X-Rechnung/X-Facture compliant files. This is very precious time saver. (We have already so much work to be able to send them afterwards to the right place/online platform.

Yes the ablility to have an easy way to read and extract the XMP and XML information from a file would be soooo useful and would avoid us to have to consider third party libraries for it. Please add my "vote" on this :)

Thank you so much


Posted on: 07 Oct 2024 07:33

Hi Curtis,

Thank you so much for your kind words and for being such a passionate advocate of our Telerik Document Processing tools! We truly appreciate your support and your thoughtful feedback on the product’s evolution.

We understand how valuable the ability to read PDF metadata can be for many users like yourself, and while this feature is currently not on our immediate roadmap, we are always listening closely to our customers' needs. The votes and feedback from the community are incredibly important to us as we continue to shape the product’s future.

Please know that your suggestion has been noted, and we'll continue to monitor the interest around it.

Thanks again for being an engaged and valued customer!

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 04 Oct 2024 19:07

If all you're doing is generating Documents the metadata is probably not even on your mind. 

If however, you are using these amazing tools for Document Processing, being able to read a PDF's metadata is critical. 

The PDF tools from Telerik were very rustic in the early days but they are brilliant now and absolutely mission critical and the quality is like all the rest of their tools.

Vote this up, folks!

Kindest regards,


Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Posted on: 18 Jan 2024 11:25


I am sharing useful information on behalf of the customer here to keep all necessary details in the appropriate place:

Our (and mostly of other users, too) use case is mainly to create PDF invoices that are compliant with ZUGFeRD/X-Rechnung/X-Facture. Here is a page that explains very well everything you need to know (sorry, it is in German but unless anyone from your crew does not speak German, Google Translate should do the job here! ;-):

PDFlib: ZUGFeRD und Factur-X

Also very helpful is this page where you can find some example documents:

pdfa (pdflib.com) - the "show output" link for each example generates the PDF on the fly.

Creating the required XML document is done with external libaries, e.g. GitHub - stephanstapel/ZUGFeRD-csharp: C# assembly for creating and reading ZUGFeRD invoices - then the XML document needs to be embedded as file stream in the invoice PDF (a normal PDF/A document) and to make it fully compliant, you need to add some XMP meta data basically to tell that there is ZUGFeRD XML document embedded and what the filename is.

So being able to attach/embed files (XML) to a PDF/A and then being able to set XMP meta data should be enough to create a fully compliant e-invoice.

Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Progress Telerik

Love the Telerik and Kendo UI products and believe more people should try them? Invite a fellow developer to become a Progress customer and each of you can get a $50 Amazon gift voucher.

Milen | Product Manager @DX
Posted on: 15 Jan 2024 15:32

Hi all and thank you for your care in bringing up the question,

Indeed, extended XMP support is necessary on top of the file stream embedding to cover the invoice formats that you need. Proper XMP support is already planned for initial research and we hope to be able to implement at least the necessary fields for 2024 Q2, scheduled for May. The initial version would most probably only support creating such metadata in a PDF document. The subsequent releases will also add parsing such records so that opening documents with XMP is supported from our library as well.

It would be very valuable if you could share details on your business scenarios and the exact standards/metadata you need to be covered.

Progress Telerik

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Posted on: 12 Jan 2024 09:36
Daniel is right; without support for XMP, embedded file streams is worth nothing since ZUGFERD/X-FACTURE, etc. is the only relevant use case where files need to be embedded into PDFs. And these all do require XMP meta data to be compliant. Adding XMP support should not bee to complicated, since it is just a key/value dictionary stored in the PDF file. Please let us know if you will add this a well; otherwise we will have to opt for a different component vendor that does support this use case.
Posted on: 12 Jan 2024 08:28
As Joe said this is really important. With next release we can add embedded files but the xmp meta data support is missing. Because of this we are now looking for annother solution at your competitors because we need to create invoices in ZUGFERD Standard.
Posted on: 12 Jan 2024 08:23

This is REALLY important, specifically since you have added support of embedded file streams. The only reason why so many people here are requesting this feature is simply they want to create compliant documents for invoices and other digital workflows. Standards such as ZUGFERD or Facure-X and all others require to add extra meta data as file stream to the PDF. However, this meta data file needs to be advertised via a separate XMP meta data record.

You should really add XMP support as well to catch up with your competitors.

Posted on: 23 Jan 2019 15:26
Hello all,

The feature is currently not scheduled for implementation and I cannot give a particular timeframe when it might be available.

The libraries are developed as part of our WPF offering and distributed among the other suites. As such, their priority is evaluated according to the demand for the other tasks as well as based on the demand for the other features in Telerik Document Processing. While we understand how this functionality is important for you, the demand for this particular feature is not among the highest ones and using the XMP metadata is not a frequent use case. This is why other tasks with higher demand, respectively priority, are being planned at the moment.

The roadmap is currently being prepared and the one related to Telerik Document Processing will be published along with the roadmap for UI for WPF at https://www.telerik.com/support/whats-new/wpf/roadmap.

Progress Telerik
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Posted on: 17 Jan 2019 13:24

I can tell you we can wait for ages for this feature, the first request I have made was 2015! Telerik doesn't understand what XMP is for and that ZUGFERD is important, especially with the new FACTUR-X standard. http://fnfe-mpe.org/factur-x/factur-x_en/

They have no vision for the development of the PDF-libraries, otherwise they would publish a clear roadmap for PDF alone. PDF is such a complex beast you need a dedicated team for it and not some developers who can implement a feature from time to time...

But the XMP-Feature alone would be simple to implement, I even mentioned an open source XMP-library in a former post. Or we just need a way to embed arbitrary XML-Code to the document before it is saved.

Posted on: 17 Jan 2019 13:08


I am interested in the current state, too. Let us know.


Posted on: 17 Jan 2019 12:54


any updates to this topic? I cant find anything in the latest release notes for PdfProcessing. I have to update metadata for ZuGFERD-Invoice standard.



Posted on: 28 Mar 2018 13:07
Hi Mi Ha,

Thank you for the suggestion. I added it to the internal item, so the development team can consider it when implementing the request.

Posted on: 17 Sep 2017 08:38
Maybe you could use this library to implement the feature: https://github.com/drewnoakes/xmp-core-dotnet

It is open source and has a BSD license.
Posted on: 17 Sep 2017 08:34

Please add this XMP schemas:

Basic Schema
Dublin Core Schema
Rights Management Schema
Basic Job Ticket Schema
Paged-Text Schema
PDF Schema

If you don't want to provide the above schemas then please provide at least the possibility to set a custom schema, so one can implement the above schemas.