When we are trying to crop the image when CanvasMode is set to "No", Instead of the position from where the image must be cropped, it is cropping the image from coordinates (0,0) i.e. from the top left corner.
Also, we are getting the issue in only some of the files. We are able to edit other files.
Using attached Visual Studio project....
Steps to re-create:
1) Draw line on image with pencil
2) Clear all changes
3) Draw another line with pencil. Upon releasing mouse button RadDiagram loses image and just shows checkerboard.
Demo project attached.
Happens in Chrome, but not in Firefox.
Seems to occur regardless of Telerik version.
I would like to use airbrush function in ImageEditor control.
Anyone can help my requirement??
Pl. I need this function very urgent.
Jiten Mutum
The Pencil dialog is not positioned properly when the image is zoomed or/and scrolled.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/imageeditor/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspxImages with "*.jpeg" extension are saved as "*.jpg" in a different file even if the "Overwrite" option is checked.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open an image with "*.jpeg" extension in ImageEditor (e.g. test.JPEG)
Video: https://www.screencast.com/t/z6z5gwA6
Steps to reproduce:
Is it possible to place form controls, eg Signature control, tick boxes,etc.. in RadImageEditor? https://www.telerik.com/forums/create-signature-with-imageeditor Alan
Please provide an custom input to rotate the image loaded in imageeditor. right now it is restricted to divisible of 90, it should accept any values and rotate accordingly.
JS error is thrown when a Responce.Redirect() is made after editing an image in RadImageEditor. Steps to reproduce: 1. Run the following code: <telerik:RadImageEditor ID="ImageEditorControl" runat="server" RenderMode="Classic" Width="790px" Height="430px" ImageUrl="~/Images/bhp-500l.jpg"> </telerik:RadImageEditor> <asp:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Text="Redirec" OnClick="Button3_Click" /> Protected Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Response.Redirect("https://www.google.bg/") End Sub 2. Open the Pencil tool and draw something on the image 3. Click the Redirect button Result: A JavaScript error is thrown.
JS error is thrown when opening a tool in Lightweight and ShowAjaxLoadingPanel="true". Error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'id' of undefined at Telerik.Web.UI.RadImageEditor._showAjaxLoadingPanel Steps to reproduce: 1. Run the following code <telerik:RadImageEditor ID="RadImageEditor1" ShowAjaxLoadingPanel="true" runat="server" RenderMode="Lightweight" ImageUrl="~/Images/Summdary.jpg"> </telerik:RadImageEditor> 2. Open the "Crop" dialog Result: A JS error is thrown.
Dialog tools panel is not positioned properly when there are more than one ImageEditor on the page. The dialog shown from the second ImageEditor is rendered below the control (on the bottom of the page), outside of the browser viewport. Video: http://screencast.com/t/lNcEd9ZWh
The Classic RenderMode displays the Crop icon for custom tools, the Lightweight RenderMode displays a gear icon Workaround: /*set background image*/ .rieSomeCommandName { background-image: url(my-images/icon_16x16.png) !important; } /*add for lightweight render mode*/ .rieSomeCommandName.rtbImage::before { /*set your own font and/or content if you want to use a font icon instead of a raster image*/ content: "" !important; } where the command name is taken from the tool by concatenating rie + <command name>: <telerik:RadImageEditor runat="server" ID="RadImageEditor1"> <Tools> <telerik:ImageEditorToolGroup> <telerik:ImageEditorTool Text="some text" CommandName="SomeCommandName" ImageUrl="my-images/icon_16x16.png"></telerik:ImageEditorTool> </telerik:ImageEditorToolGroup> </Tools> </telerik:RadImageEditor>
The mouse position coordinates of the ImageEditor (can be seen in its bottom Statusbar) are not updated properly after zooming (Crtl+Mouse scroll over the image). Moving the mouse pointer outside the ImageEditor's viewport and bringing it back forces the control to recalculate the mouse position properly. Video: http://screencast.com/t/BB7UzCwj0zz Steps to reproduce: 1. Open http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/imageeditor/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx 2. Choose a specific point of the image and check its position (the x and y coordinates shown in the ImageEditor's status bar) 3. Zoom-in the image by pressing Ctrl and Mouse scroll 4. Navigate to the same point Actual: The x and y coordinates are changed Expected: The x and y coordinates of the point are the same as before the zooming
Filtering operations are registered twice in the undo stack of the ImageEditor. 1. Open http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/imageeditor/examples/toolbarmodes/defaultcs.aspx 2. Click on the More arrow on the right most on the Toolbar 3. Click to expand the Brightness/Contrast split button and choose Greyscale Result: The Greyscale command is added twice in the undo stack of the control
For the time being you can hardcode the "touch-action:none" style to the ImageEditor: <telerik:RadImageEditor ID="RadImageEditor" runat="server" style="touch-action:none;"></telerik:RadImageEditor>
In the latest release (Q1 2016) it is possible to resize and drag the crop box in ImageEditor to negative bounds in IE. Video: http://screencast.com/t/b1SyzOWBGb
When you set Lightweight render mode via web.config, the image editor appears broken. You can use the following setup in web.config as a workaround for the time being. Note that all instances of the RadToolBar will be rendered in Classic mode. <appSettings> .... <add key="Telerik.Web.UI.RenderMode" value="Auto" /> <add key="Telerik.Web.UI.ToolBar.RenderMode" value="Classic" /> .... </appSettings>