Last Updated: 26 Mar 2014 10:01 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2014 08:55 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:51 by Andy
Add support for DeletePreviousWord and DeleteNextWord commands, triggered with Ctrl+Backspace and Ctrl+Delete keyboard shortcuts.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:51 by Andy
Currently, when a user double-clicks a word in RadRichTextBox and does not release the left button, moving the cursor drags the selected word. In most word processors the same actions extend the selection. 

Note: The same applies for triple click, which selects the paragraph.
Last Updated: 12 Jan 2016 15:04 by ADMIN
In specific conditions, when selecting text through the document, NullReferenceException is thrown in RectPathBuilder class.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:51 by Jorma
Created by: Missing User
Comments: 2
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request
Floating table are tables that can be absolutely positioned in the document, with different text wrapping (similar to floating images). MS Word converts a table to floating object whenever the table is dragged.

Add options in Table Properties dialog similar to MS Word – Table with Text Wrapping: Around and None.
Last Updated: 07 Apr 2014 10:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Mi
Comments: 5
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request
In Word I can place text where ever I want, when I use textfields. This should also be possible with RadRichTextBox.

When exporting to PDF this should result in an extra layer for the textfield.
Last Updated: 14 Mar 2014 06:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Alex
Comments: 1
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Bug Report

Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:53 by Björn
This includes:

- Create multilevel list template for Heading styles

- Add button in the ribbon list styles gallery for applying this list template

-  TOC generated from heading styles associated with list should also include the numbering of the headings (see the related bug 91763). This is not absolutely required for the current item.

Currently such list can be added using the following code:
        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ListStyle listStyle = CreateHierarchicalListStyle();

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                ListLevelStyle listLevel = listStyle.Levels[i];
                listLevel.HangingIndent = 0;
                listLevel.Indent = 0;
                listLevel.StyleName = RadDocumentDefaultStyles.GetHeadingStyleNameByIndex(i + 1);

            DocumentList documentList = new DocumentList(listStyle, this.radRichTextBox.Document);

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                string headingStyleName = RadDocumentDefaultStyles.GetHeadingStyleNameByIndex(i + 1);

                StyleDefinition headingStyle = this.radRichTextBox.Document.StyleRepository.GetValueOrNull(headingStyleName);

                headingStyle.ParagraphStyle.ListId = documentList.ID;
                headingStyle.ParagraphStyle.ListLevel = i;

        private static ListStyle CreateHierarchicalListStyle()
            ListStyle listStyle = new ListStyle();

            for (int i = 0; i < ListStyle.ListLevels; ++i)
                StringBuilder levelText = new StringBuilder();
                for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; ++j)
                    levelText.Append("{" + j + "}.");

                listStyle.Levels.Add(new ListLevelStyle()
                    StartingIndex = 1,
                    NumberingFormat = ListNumberingFormat.Decimal,
                    LevelText = levelText.ToString(),

            return listStyle;
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:50 by ADMIN
When track changes are enabled deleted content is also taken into account when spellchecking.

Steps to reproduce:
- Type in a wrong word (e.g. thos). 

- Turn Track Changes on. 

- Select the o and replace it with i. 

Expected: The word is not considered wrong and underlined by the spellchecker.

Actual:  "thois" is spell checked and evaluated as wrong. 
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:07 by ADMIN
Implement API for hiding built-in styles from StylesGallery. This should be useful, as currently all built-in styles are visible by default, and the only way to hide them is to include them in the document as set Primary to false.
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 08:07 by ADMIN
When creating a hyperlink from selected text using the InsertHyperinkDialog, trailing spaces shouldn't be included in the hyperlink, as in MS Word.
Last Updated: 06 Jan 2016 08:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Petya
Comments: 8
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 07 Dec 2022 12:11 by ADMIN
Created by: Petya
Comments: 4
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request
In MS Word, there is special command in Home -> Paragraph -> Borders dropdown -> Horizontal Line, which inserts special drawing similar to 3D horizontal line in a paragraph. Such line should be exported to <hr> tag during HTML export, and respectively <hr> tag should be imported as Horizontal Line.

Note: the representation of the horizontal line in the docx document is as follows: 

          <v:rect id="_x0000_i1027" style="width:0;height:1.5pt" o:hralign="center" o:hrstd="t" o:hr="t" fillcolor="#a0a0a0" stroked="f"/>

Currently, you can add a horizontal line using a table with a single border. Here is some code demonstrating how to do this:


var document = new RadDocument();
var editor = new RadDocumentEditor(document);

Table table = new Table();
var topBorder = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Border(1, BorderStyle.Single, Colors.Red);
var borders = new TableBorders(table.Borders.Left, topBorder, table.Borders.Right, table.Borders.Bottom);
table.Borders = borders;

var row = new TableRow();
var dummyCell = new TableCell();
var dummyParagraph = new Paragraph();
dummyParagraph.FontSize = 0;
dummyParagraph.LineSpacing = 0;
dummyParagraph.SpacingAfter = 0;
dummyParagraph.SpacingBefore = 0;
editor.InsertTable(table, shouldInsertParagraphBeforeTable: true);            
this.radRichTextBox.Document = document;

Last Updated: 31 Oct 2018 07:53 by ADMIN
Add API for adding embedded file streams (a.k.a. file attachments) to the PDF file produced during the export to PDF.
Last Updated: 19 Nov 2019 11:05 by ADMIN
Release R1 2019
Quickly adding/removing of tab stop from the document's ruler crashes the application.
Last Updated: 06 Apr 2015 14:30 by C
Closure reason:  issue fixed


The issue is fixed and is live with today's LIB release (v.2015.1.0406)

Best Regards,
Aylin Hyumet,
The Telerik Team
Last Updated: 01 Apr 2015 11:20 by ADMIN
The tab stop defining respective page number alignment correlates to the cell's width where the table of contents entry is positioned.
Last Updated: 21 May 2020 16:42 by ADMIN
Release R2 2020
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 19
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request
Implement support for content controls (a.k.a. Structured document tags), which will allow inserting editing controls in the document:

- Rich Text
- Plain Text
- Check Box
- Combo Box
- Drop-down list
- Date picker

Do not confuse this feature with form fields support (see ).