When selectOnFocus is enabled and the NumerictTextBox is focused programmatically, the value is not selected, but the cursor is set after the value.
Scenario 2:
The value in the component will not be selected.
Note: If the user clicks on the NumericTextBox initially and then clicks the button, the value will be highlighted correctly.
In Scenario 2 the previous focus state will be displayed (a single digit will be highlighted).
The value in the NumericTextBox should be highlighted.
Reproduction steps:
1) open the dojo https://dojo.telerik.com/uKECIxUv based on https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/knowledge-base/numerictextbox-decimals-precision-runtime-change
2) (important) trigger the validation - e.g. try to type more decimals than the initial
3) Click the Change decimal button
You can enter 2 decimals max
You can enter 3 decimals max
When calling setOptions on the numericTextBox, the spinner locks up if there is a "factor" option set.
See the above Dojo.
Removing the factor seems to fix the issue, but I need the factor so that a user can type in 10 for 10% when the type is percentage but 10 for $10.00 when the type is currency.
Bug report
Since R1 2022 spin event is no longer triggered when setOptions is called in NumericTextBox
Reproduction of the problem
Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/eTAfAyuP
Expected/desired behavior
Spin event shall fire after setOptions() is called.
Kendo UI version: 2022.1.119 or above
jQuery version: All
Browser: All
### Bug report
NumericTextBox cannot be initialized when element with id options is present on the page. For instance, a div element with id="options".
### Reproduction of the problem
1. Create a NumericTextBox.
2. Add an element with id options.
Dojo sample for reproduction:
### TicketID: 1562966
### Environment
* **Kendo UI version:** 202x.r.ddd
* **jQuery version:** x.y
* **Browser:** [all]
Bug report
The pasted value containing whitespaces into numeric textbox results in a trimmed value
Reproduction of the problem
Open this example: https://dojo.telerik.com/iTiBArEh
Click "Run"
Paste "1 000" into the NumericTextBox
Expected/desired behavior
The pasted value shall be '1000' instead of '1'
Kendo UI version: 2021.2.616 and above
Browser: [all]
Currently, if a user enters into a numeric text box a value that is lower than the "min" or greater than the "max" configuration option, kendo adjusts the value to either min or max.
There should be a way to disable that. If the user enters an invalid value we want to give feedback. Currently, there is no way to do this, without messing around with the kendo ui control.
By the way: kendo ui for angular has already implemented an autoCorrect configuration. So please implement this feature for the jquery version too!
Please consider supporting entry of values in exponential notation (with 'e' or 'E') so that the behaviour is similar to a native <input type="number> element.
Kendo formatters allow display in scientific notation, but prevents data input in this form.
Currently, NumericTextBox pops up the standard keyboard on tablet/mobile devices.
So for a user who is entering numbers in multiple fields this can get tedious having to constantly change keyboards.
Since this is a numeric entry control my suggestion is that a numeric keyboard is used.
Related to #1515708
Bug report
The kendo.parseFloat() method does not correctly parse negative currency strings in which the currency symbol is placed before the actual value i.e. "$ -5.00".
Reproduction of the problem
1. Set the culture of the app to nl-NL (or another that formats the currency as $ -5.00)
2. Call the parseFloat method.
3. The value "null" is returned.
Dojo sample for reproduction https://dojo.telerik.com/AFOnaQIt
Current behavior
The kendo.parseFloat() method assumes that all negative currency values are in the format "-5.00 $". Since the format of the nl-NL culture has the format "$ -5.00, the if-clause that checks the position of the "-" fails, and the method returns null.
Expected/desired behavior
Negative values with any currency format should be parsed correctly.
* **Kendo UI version:** 2021.1.224
* **jQuery version:** 1.12.4
* **Browser:** [all]
### Bug report
When the Kendo UI NumericTextBox has the factor property set and a value pasted, a wrong number is output.
### Reproduction of the problem
1. Create a NumericTextBox and set the format and factor properties.
2. Set a value. Copy and paste value greater than 1.
3. The value 100 is applied to the widget.
Dojo sample for reproduction:
### Expected/desired behavior
The pasted value should be applied to the widget.
### Environment
* **Kendo UI version:** 2021.1.224
* **jQuery version:** 1.12.4
* **Browser:** [all]
Feature enhancement
NumericTextBox pops keyboard on mobile on scroll
Reproduction of the problem
1. Open up https://runner.telerik.io/fullscreen/uFUNEboh on a cellphone (We've tested with real Android devices)
Expected/desired behavior
NumericTextBox shall not pop up the keyboard on mobile on scroll
Devices: all mobile
Bug report
In case when culture is set to de-DE or nl-NL globally the NumericTextBox does not accept comma decimal separator from the Numeric keypad
Reproduction of the problem
Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/ARURAhOg
Current behavior
When comma from the Numeric keypad is pressed validation is fired.
Expected/desired behavior
Comma must be accepted as a decimal separator
**Kendo UI version: 2020.1.406
Bug Report
Pressing the dot key on the NumPad does not apply the default decimal separator when the keyboard is set to EN-US/ UK. It always applies the dot.
Steps for Reproduction
1. Set the culture to a culture that uses the comma as a decimal separator - Italian.
2. Switch the keyboard to EN-US/UK.
3. Press the dot on the NumPad.
4. Validation prevents the input.
Dojo sample for reproduction:
jQuery version: 1.12.4
Kendo UI version: 2020.1.219
Browsers: [all]
When you use a NumericTextBox without attribute title, the widget creates automatically one with the current internal value, showing a annoying and unnecessary tooltip.
We would like remove this behavior or change it with a configuration item.
Something like:
<input id="currency" type="number" title="" />
autoTooltip: false,
Provide an option for the Kendo UI NumericTextBox to select its value on focus.
This would be a useful feature for data entry situations so you can start typing immediately.
We are aware of the proposed how to article but this is not a good solution for large applications.
Can we have something like "selectOnFocus: true". The code fix for this could be:
kendo.ui.NumericTextBox.fn._focusin =
that =
// code to add to Kendo source
Please focus on adding flexibility to the numerictextbox. I'm jumping through hoops to get a field with a displayed percentage of 75.75% to appear the same way in edit mode. I understand the need to keep the control reasonably rigid, but I would hope additional customization options could be add. I gave up and am doing everything in a custom editor/ input text box.
It is better if kendo numeric textbox formats value (comma will be added after 3 decimals) as user types, especially for currency values. There are so many jQuery plugins available in market to achieve this. Kendo Numeric text box is not working as expected when integrate with these plugins. Demo url: https://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Auto-Format-Currency-With-jQuery/