Last Updated: 23 Aug 2023 11:51 by Odd Veibust
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
<div data-role="grid"
                 data-toolbar="['create', 'save']"
                 data-bind="source: products}"></div>

 var viewModel = kendo.observable({
products:  ...
        {field:"id", width:50},
        {field: "name", width:200}
Last Updated: 16 Mar 2020 08:49 by ADMIN
Created by: oliviero
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
in grid when data are grouped and the group is collapsed groupFooterTemplate data should be still visible
Last Updated: 07 Oct 2019 07:46 by ADMIN


kendoGrid Pager has a feature of disabling focus of pager arrows with a tabindex="-1".

I was able to override this behavior in some cases. But sometimes it becomes tricky to override this behavior.

My question is:

"Is it possible to disable this behavior, not to override it but really disable. Or if not - maybe you have plans to add such an option in the future (maybe I can submit to the feature updates somewhere)?"

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2020 12:15 by ADMIN
Adding the same functionality as filterable.extra but in row mode. Similar to the following demo http://dojo.telerik.com/AkaYi/2.
Last Updated: 31 Jul 2019 13:35 by ADMIN
Created by: Jon
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
When using Frozen columns in the grid, the frozen column is not usable for vertical scrolling when used in a mobile application. 

This means that it is not possible to swipe up and Down on the frozen column to scroll the grid vertically. This again makes the user experience very odd (actually it feels like a bug), because it is not natural to have to use the other, none froze columns, to be able to scroll vertically.


Last Updated: 02 Sep 2022 14:40 by ADMIN


Currently the Selection & Export functionality does not automatically scroll down/up the Grid when the user tries to select cells that fall out of the view. Would be great if we have an option to allow automatic scroll and provide ability to choose additional cells (as in excel). Additional details are in 1576704.

We are extensively using this selection feature and the above mentioned behavior would save lot of our time and add value to the functionality.

Appreciate your support on this.



Last Updated: 01 Oct 2021 12:11 by ADMIN
I would like to see the grid allow the adding of a new row via the keyboard when batch editing.

When the user is on the last row and last cell they can hit tab and the grid will add a new record and with focus on the first editable cell.

Or the user can hit enter anywhere on the last row to create a new row.

This would allow for rapid entry of several new rows of data. It would allow the user to key in data in a similar way a spreadsheet like Excel would behave.
Last Updated: 01 Oct 2021 12:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Joshua
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
We have a feature where we initialize our Grids with row filters, but we don't display them right away. We show hide them with a "Show/Hide Filters" button. It would be great to save some time on initial load of the grid (our client wants the ability to display up to ~100 columns with filters, and there's a noticeable performance impact building those filter controls), and delay that time for if/when the user decides they want to actually use the filters.
Last Updated: 09 Aug 2023 07:06 by Lee
Created by: Lee
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

The above behavior has been requested several times in the following forum thread.


I would like for this limitation to be revised or for some other solution to be provided.

Last Updated: 19 Oct 2021 07:15 by Mark
Created by: Don
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request the functionality to sort the  MultiCheck Filter for the Kendo UI Grid. For example, maybe adding a columns.filterable.sort property. 

Thank you!

Last Updated: 15 Apr 2021 11:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Lars Lykke
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
would be nice to having an option to prevent specific column from re-ordering or re-sizing. 

In general, grid having command columns for Edit, Delete... etc buttons, these columns should not allow to reorder across columns.
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2019 10:23 by ADMIN
For performance reasons, we would like to only show the group headers collapsed when first grouping, and only add its child rows when expanded. This is done for hierarchical grids and minimizes unnecessarily large DOMs for data the user will never look at. 
Last Updated: 09 Mar 2020 17:28 by ADMIN
Frozen Columns is a really useful addition to the grid, but we're not able to implement it at present as we don't want to force our users to always have one column locked.  We don't want to dictate which column that should be, e.g. fixing the LH column.  

If we could enable Frozen Columns giving the user freedom to freeze one or more columns of their choice, that would be ideal. 
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2021 12:30 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
One should be able to cancel the detail expand or collapse events of the grids by providing a Expanding / Collapsing event.

One use case for this that would be way easier to implement is when one is using a detail template to edit some form of data related to the expanded row but not bound to it's data item, instead bound to specific data coming from other source.

If when you expand another row the previously expanded one gets collapsed I would like to be able to prevent that on those events to check for changes, challenge the user and act accordingly.
Last Updated: 17 Mar 2022 15:51 by ADMIN
It would be nice to have the option to configure different column titles for the column menu. For example, when there is a multi-header Grid, you could use this functionality to add the header title to the column title.

Last Updated: 15 May 2022 16:05 by ADMIN
How to implement SearchRow in RadGrid for ASP.Net similar to SearchRow in WinForms RadGridView

The SearchRow in RadGridView WinForms is extremely good.


How can we implement the same in Kendo UI RadGrid?
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022 13:21 by ACHAL

I want to have checkboxes in group header as shown in the below example.


Once I click on the group header checkbox, the child group headers under the clicked group header and the data rows inside it should get checked and when it is unchecked all the datarows under the group header should get unchecked.

Individually if I check and uncheck a checkbox in the datarow,the parent group header should get checked if all the datarows are checked and should get unchecked if any of the data is unchecked under that group header.

Last Updated: 27 Jan 2022 12:17 by ADMIN
Created by: Imported User
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
The Grid already has beforeEdit event that can be used for preventing the editing depending on custom logic. The same thing could be used for preventing add or delete based on custom logic or validation.
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2021 12:29 by ADMIN
Thus avoiding the need to work around the timing problem with a timeout like this:
columnReorder: function(e) {
 setTimeout(function() {
                // save data logic implementation.
            }, 100);
Last Updated: 20 Jan 2020 10:46 by ADMIN
Created by: Bla
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

from our development I could collect some suggestions for improvement, which we would be pleased about in the future:

-> Grid
-> Export to Excel
- Do not show columns in export - currently only possible with Javascript
- Display additional columns in the export that are only displayed in the export and not in the interface