Last Updated: 07 May 2020 10:36 by ADMIN
Release 2.13.0
Created by: Gordon
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Would be great to have a DateRangePicker so I don't have to use JS interop to use my old one
Last Updated: 24 Dec 2020 05:37 by ADMIN
Release 2.21.0
Created by: René
Comments: 8
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Please add a splitter component like this:


Last Updated: 25 Mar 2022 20:22 by Kyler
Release 3.1.0
Created by: Michael McCallum
Comments: 5
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Like the one in UI for ASP.NET AJAX and Kendo, as it is more powerful than the built-in filtering of the grid.
Last Updated: 24 Feb 2020 08:37 by ADMIN
Release 2.8.0
Created by: Sean
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
At the moment only the DateInput has it and it is hardcoded for the pickers. I would like to be able to set it for the pickers as well
Last Updated: 06 May 2024 07:07 by ADMIN
Release 2024 Q2 (May)
Created by: Alois
Comments: 22
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

When is Spreadsheet for Blazor available or can i use Kendo Spreadsheat?


Alois Seidler 

Last Updated: 10 May 2022 19:53 by ADMIN
Release 3.3.0
Created by: Kevin White
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
I am really missing a "File Explorer" razor component in your Blazor offer. Most of our existing apps have a file explorer tied to a remote UNC shared network location.
Last Updated: 11 May 2020 12:08 by ADMIN
Release 2.13.0

ADMIN EDIT: see the title and the discussion on how this would be handled, it is not going to be a separate property.



As in e.g. WPF/UWP, it would be convenient to get the "actual width" of a component in order to arrange other elements to follow the same width (or height).

Consider a TelerikDropDownList with Width="100%" and I want the PopupWidth to have same width (PopupWidth="100%" will not result in same).

                <TelerikDropDownList Width="100%" PopupWidth="@(Dropdown?.Width)" @ref="Dropdown" DefaultItem="@(new Country{Name ="Select..."})"  Data="@Countries" ValueField="Abbreviation" TextField="Name" PopupHeight="400px" @bind-Value="@Employee.ContactDetails.CountryCode"></TelerikDropDownList>

    public TelerikDropDownList<Country, string> Dropdown { get; set; }

Here, I would like to set PopupWidth as below, to avoid the result in attached image.


Last Updated: 24 Apr 2023 15:48 by ADMIN
Release 4.2.0 (04/26/2023)
Created by: khashayar
Comments: 9
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
i wanted to know if it's possible to make fully rtl theme in ui for blazor or not i have been trying to make an rtl theme but i got some problems.
and also is it possible to use other types of calendar in datepicker  (like arabic calendar)? 
Last Updated: 06 Jan 2021 10:00 by ADMIN
Release 2.21.0
Created by: Datafyer
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

In many cases users need to be able to specify a number which is easily visualized using a horizontal slider.
This allows the user to easily move the point to their desired location.

It can be helpful to allow this to also be constrained using a forced range selection.

Last Updated: 27 Oct 2021 08:47 by ADMIN
Release 2.28.0
Created by: Datafyer
Comments: 4
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Sometimes it is helpful to allow the user to pick colors for various purposes.

This control can display the RGB value along with allowing them to change the hue/brightness along with the alpha component.

Also the ability to select from a set of predefined colors would be very nice.



Here is a sample project that showcases how you can use Kendo widgets in Blazor and also contains samples of color pickers:


Last Updated: 06 May 2021 15:20 by ADMIN
Release 2.24.0
Created by: Datafyer
Comments: 7
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Having the ability to specify sections and then allowing the user to expand the section can be very helpful for complex content or menus.

The sections can be expanded so 1 is visible always or multiple can be expanded.

Last Updated: 19 Oct 2021 12:57 by ADMIN
Release 2.28.0
Created by: Datafyer
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
It would be very nice to be able to have a heatmap style chart where each cell is dependant on the matching x/y values.
In addition each cell is colored or styled based on the x,y combination.
Last Updated: 18 Nov 2022 10:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Datafyer
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

It would be helpful in some cases to specify which grid lines to display with a default of both:

None - No lines

Horizontal - Only horizontal row lines

Vertical - Only vertical column lines.

Both - H/V lines

Last Updated: 23 Oct 2019 21:24 by Ben Hayat
Created by: Ben Hayat
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Hello Team;

I'd like to suggest to offer us an easy way to use the different themes offered by Bootswatch (bootstrap themes) during development and also allow us to offer that capability to our user, so they can pick their own theme.

Hope this helps!


Last Updated: 04 Nov 2019 09:22 by ADMIN
Release 2.3.0
Created by: Pascal
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Can you tell us anything about when the combo-box is ready to use?

We’ve the use case of an editable combo-box and until now, we used to it with a textbox and a gridview to achieve this with your components.
Last Updated: 09 Dec 2020 11:04 by ADMIN
Release 2.21.0

I would like to be able to style, for example, all grids on my page with certain rules. Thus, if each component had a unique class in its top-level rendering I could use it to cascade through it.

This also applies to dropdown/popup elements (for example, be able to target the popups of dropdownlists).

Ideally, elements that have additional popups (like the dropdownlists) will also expose parameters like DropDownClass so I can add my own class to them and style them per instance, so I don't affect all other instances in my app.

Last Updated: 15 Oct 2020 13:20 by ADMIN
Release 2.18.0
Created by: Devin
Comments: 12
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Simply looking to have a masked input textbox similar to that of the other frameworks that you already support, but for Blazor. Didn't see a request for this nor a mention on the roadmap for Blazor.
Last Updated: 12 Jul 2022 06:25 by ADMIN
Release 3.5.0
Created by: Manu
Comments: 8
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Blazor load on demand (as users keys in) combo-box with multi column


Last Updated: 11 Sep 2020 13:56 by ADMIN
Release 2.17.0
Created by: James
Comments: 19
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Please add a dashboard layout component.


ADMIN EDIT: There seems to be demand for such a component/feature, so we have re-opened it to gather feedback on what is the expected functionality and use cases. You can Vote for this, Follow its progress, and leave a comment with your expectations/requests. You can also review the discussion for some technical limitations that prevent an implementation at the moment.

ADMIN EDIT 2: The component will be similar to this one:

Last Updated: 25 Apr 2024 13:22 by ADMIN
Release 5.0.0 (15 Nov 2023) (R1 PI1)
Created by: James
Comments: 5
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Please add an app bar component