Some of the formatting symbols (e.g. space, tab) don't affect the height of the paragraph. With the current implementation, changing the font size of a formatting symbol, which is first in the paragraph, changes its height as well.
Applying a list does not follow the specified indention of texts. When a paragraph has previously applied indentation, it should be preserved and added to the indentation of the bullet. In RadRichTextBox, the indentation of the paragraphs is not respected when applying a list style to it - only the setting of the list is applied.
These tags define deleted and inserted content to markup updates and modifications in a document. They can be used to export the revisions of a document when Track Changes is enabled.
Add support for associated character properties when importing from RTF. Such properties are \rtlch, \ltrch, and the associated control words like \afN, \loch, \hich, and \dbch. Currently, runs/bullets with such properties set could be imported with different character properties. Workaround: Use the supported \f tag for the most common low-ANSI characters, for example by: - doing the following replaces in the source document: \loch\af -> \loch\f \dbch\f -> \dbch\af - (Possible workaround) Re-saving the document with MS Word
The bullets can have their own alignment. Implement import and export of this setting.
The dialog should match the strings contained in the different document parts (headers, footers, footnotes, endnotes, comments).
MS Word shows additional tab stop for a text in a list when a document is exported to RTF format. Steps to reproduce: 1. Open RadRichTextBox 2. Add 2 or 3 paragraphs with text. 3. Add a 5-inch tab stop for those paragraphs. 4. Apply a list over those paragraphs. 5. Export to RTF format and view in MS Word. Note: The paragraphs should not contain any tab symbols. Observed result: MS Word shows additional tab stop at the start of the text in the list.
The customers need to convert the position to an integer number representing the offset of the current position from the first position in the document. A method returning the position at a specified offset would be useful as well.
When the users move the image (evaluated as a result of the field) using the document selection, the field is removed from the document and the image is duplicated.
When a continuous section break is inserted on a page containing an image and with a watermark applied, the watermark is shown on top of the other document elements. The issue is observed only on the page with the section break.
Implement generating of an image and inserting it into the clipboard on copy/cut so it can be pasted in MS Paint or other tools for image editing. Attaching to the CommandExecuting event of RadRichTextBox and handling the copy command can be used as a workaround:CopyCommand command = e.Command
(command !=
ImageInline image =
(image !=
e.Cancel =
Inserting a page break inside a table is currently not supported (the feature request is logged at Therefore, the Page Break button inside the Insert tab of the ribbon should be disabled when the caret is positioned inside a table. Workaround: Track the position of the caret and when the latter goes into a table, set the Enabled property of InsertPageBreakCommand to false.
Expose an API allowing easy customization of the layer.
Currently, working with bookmarks and cross references in the headers and footers of a document is not supported.
Currently, when the users perform replace, and there are no more matches which should be replaced, the "The searched text was not found" message is shown. Add functionality to say that there are no more matches instead of saying that the text is not found.
When an RTF document contains table inside table in the header or in the footer, the document cannot be imported due to NullReferenceException. In the case of RadRichTextBox the exception is handled, but it's not when RtfFormatProvider is used directly. The bug is regression in 2016 R3.
When dragged from the toolbox, the wizard adds only <telerik:RadRichTextBox /> tag and does not generate XAML for the Ribbon UI. Workaround: On second attempt, the UI of the ribbon is generated as expected. Note: The generation is not working in Visual Studio 2017, even on the second attempt. Available in R1 2018 Official Release version.
When the document contains headings with heading styles associated with numbering styles (numbered headings), and TOC field is inserted and/or updated in the document, the TOC items should contain the numbering which comes from the style. Instead, on update the numbering is lost and only heading text is included in the field result.
Implement advanced find dialog similar to MS Word which provides an option to search for paragraph end marker, tab character, and others.
InvalidOperationException is thrown in the IsInNonEditableRange() method of RadDocument when assigning a document to RadRichTextBox, which is created through the model and contains several read-only ranges. Workaround: Call MeasureAndArrangeInDefaulSize().