Last Updated: 10 Jul 2019 08:41 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2019.2.715 (07/15/2019)
The exception is thrown while typing and is with message "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: insertIMETextCommandContext". 
Last Updated: 28 Jun 2019 14:11 by ADMIN

Hi Telerik,

We are converting XAML content into PDF file with below code.

private byte[] Xaml2Pdf(string xamlContent)
		XamlFormatProvider xamlFormatProvider = new XamlFormatProvider();
		PdfFormatProvider pdfFormatProvider = new PdfFormatProvider();
		PdfExportSettings exportSettings = new PdfExportSettings();
		exportSettings.ContentsCompressionMode = PdfContentsCompressionMode.Automatic;
		exportSettings.ContentsDeflaterCompressionLevel = 9;
		exportSettings.DocumentInfo = new PdfDocumentInfo() { Producer = "ALIS", Author = "ALIS", Creator = "ALIS" };
		exportSettings.ImagesCompressionMode = PdfImagesCompressionMode.Automatic;
		exportSettings.ImagesDeflaterCompressionLevel = 9;
		pdfFormatProvider.ExportSettings = exportSettings;

		byte[] content = pdfFormatProvider.Export(xamlFormatProvider.Import(xamlContent));

		return content;
When we convert attached XAML content with above code it will gives an output pdf file but when we open pdf file into Adobe Reader DC it will display some error message before opening it.

Currently we are using 2016.2.905.45 version.

Previously when we was use 2016.1.302.45 version at that time we didn't notice same issue.

Please assist.

Thank you.
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2019 08:24 by ADMIN

Adding bookmarks with the same name programmatically always returns the first one in case use attempts to navigate to it using the Bookmarks dialog. 

Workaround: Remove the bookmark before adding a new one with the very same name.

Last Updated: 18 Jun 2019 08:24 by ADMIN
Currently the editing methods of RadRichTextBox and RadDocumentEditor work with the current DocumentSelection and CaretPosition for the current RadDocument. In order to execute an editing action on specific range/position, current selection/position should be moved, which is not always desirable. Also, as a side effect, when moving current selection or position, the scroll offset of the document shown in RadRichTextBox is changed.
Think of the following approaches:
- Do not scroll the document around when API methods are executed. There is convenient API which could be called to scroll the document when needed. (This will fix the problem only partially). 
- Provide version of the IDocumentEditor methods that accept DocumentSelection or DocumentPosition as parameters, and work with them instead of with the RadDocument.Selection and RadDocument.CaretPosition, similar to InsertFragment(DocumentFragment documentFragmentDocumentPosition documentPosition) and InsertInline(Inline inlineDocumentPosition documentPosition).
Last Updated: 17 Jun 2019 07:47 by ADMIN
When there is a text in a table row with dash and not space after makes the text squeezed when exported to PDF. For instance "Self-Insured". If the text is "Self - Insured" it is exported fine.
Last Updated: 14 Jun 2019 18:17 by ADMIN
Html exported from RadRichTextBox will be shown in Outlook with some formatting issues related to lists. The text in a paragraph will be shown with the formatting of its bullet.

The reason is that the content is exported to HTML as a styled list level which Outlook does not understand. The same applies to MS Word as well. This can also lead to formatting issues when the document is later imported in RichTextBox.

You can check the attached screenshot for reference.

Change the styles to export as inline properties:
htmlProvider.ExportSettings.StylesExportMode = StylesExportMode.Inline;
Last Updated: 10 Jun 2019 12:57 by ADMIN
Release LIB 2019.2.610 (06/10/2019)
When a text doesn't specify font explicitly with \fN tag, and default character properties (\defchp) are not specified, or are specified but without font set, the font of the text is visualized with the default font - Verdana. Instead, the default font for the document should be used - defined with \deffN tag.
Last Updated: 28 May 2019 13:05 by ADMIN
The generated ImageSource is associated with the import thread, while the UI invokes layout logic, which depends on that image, on the main thread. This causes a cross thread access exception.
Last Updated: 28 May 2019 10:46 by ADMIN
When the attribute is defined but no value is set to it, the format provider cannot import the content and throws NullReferenceException.
Last Updated: 24 May 2019 16:37 by ADMIN
Created by: Sean
Comments: 0
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request
Implement a mechanism that allows embedding font data when exporting documents.
Last Updated: 16 May 2019 14:09 by ADMIN
The exception is thrown by the SystemFontsManager internal class from Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core, so it can observed when using RadPdfViewer, RadRichTextBox, RadSpreadsheet.

The reason is not clear, posssible causes are:
- Corrupted fonts after upgrade from Windows XP
- Enabling of Block untrusted fonts feature ( )

The call stack is as follows:

System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core.Fonts.SystemFontsManager' threw an exception. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find the specified file.
   at MS.Internal.Text.TextInterface.Native.Util.ConvertHresultToException(Int32 hr)
   at MS.Internal.Text.TextInterface.FontList.get_Item(UInt32 A_0)
   at MS.Internal.Text.TextInterface.FontList.FontsEnumerator.get_Current()
   at MS.Internal.FontFace.TypefaceCollection.Enumerator.get_Current()
   at System.Windows.Media.Fonts.TypefaceCollection.<GetEnumerator>d__11.MoveNext()
   at Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core.Fonts.SystemFontsManager..cctor()


Manually delete all registry key values in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts pointing to files outside of the Fonts folder.
Last Updated: 16 May 2019 13:51 by ADMIN
In some cases when an image is copied from an external source and pasted in the rich text box, the image is not displayed. This is caused by the Clipboard.GetImage() method used internally by the control. 

To work this around, you can subscribe for the CommandExecuting event of RadRichTextBox and manually get the image from the clipboard.

private void Rtb_CommandExecuting(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Documents.RichTextBoxCommands.CommandExecutingEventArgs e)

	PasteCommand command = e.Command as PasteCommand;
	if (command != null && (Clipboard.GetData("DeviceIndependentBitmap") != null))
		//Get the image stream from the clipboard.
		//You can check the following blog post for an approach which you can use to get the image properly:
		this.radRichTextBox.InsertImage(imageStream, "jpeg");
		e.Cancel = true;
Last Updated: 16 May 2019 13:15 by ADMIN
Using Microsoft Pinyin IME for typing in the RichTextBox causes FatalExecutionEngineError exception. 

Last Updated: 15 May 2019 13:41 by ADMIN
Created by: Patrick
Comments: 2
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request
Actually, when we go to image editor from the RadRichTextBox, we've got the original image's size but not the width and height in the document. When we need to format pictures of a document with equal size, we are using the document's size, not the picture's size.

Last Updated: 15 May 2019 13:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Patrick
Comments: 2
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Feature Request

With a picture of original size like this : width 2 800 and Height 1376. On the screen the picture is around 470 by 230. If I go to the Image Editor, it shows me the picture size itself but not the area size used by the picture. It is a good thing to have the original picture's dimension but we work with the dimension used in the document. So, could you do something to resize the picture used in the document.

In my samples, you'll see my picture in a document (ie1), what I see when I go in the Image Editor (ie2) and, when I go to the Resize section (ie3). Suggestion, put the original image's dimension on the top of the right corner in the resize section. The width and Height should show the dimension in the document.

Thanks a lot, 

Last Updated: 02 May 2019 10:47 by ADMIN
Typing in Find dialog is not possible when having an ElementHost in a WinForms Windows to host a WPF User Control which contains the RadRichTextBox.
Last Updated: 30 Apr 2019 12:42 by ADMIN

If I setup the richtextbox content through the UI as shown in P1.png and try to restore it by pasting the generated html, I get instead P2.png. Expected to be the same. 

I attached the sample project. We're using the recommended settings to use the same html in telerik reports, but can't find the reference on your site, it used on the on this link


Last Updated: 26 Apr 2019 15:14 by ADMIN

The same issue is observed with heading styles.

The HtmlExportSettings property PropertiesToIgnore can't be used to control how the paragraph or character properties of a list will be exported. Steps to reproduce: Create a document with a list of different levels. Set fp.ExportSettings.PropertiesToIgnore["li"].Add("margin-left"); Export to HTML. Observed: The PropertiesToIgnore doesn't work for paragraph properties of a list.

Last Updated: 24 Apr 2019 06:34 by ADMIN
Created by: stéphane
Comments: 1
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Bug Report
The text for the Documents_SpellCheckingDialog_ChangeAll key must be "Changer tout" instead of  "Chanter tout".
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2019 09:32 by ADMIN

Finding text with regex for the last paragraph is not possible. This is caused by the fact that the search treats the last paragraph symbol as the last paragraph.