Application hangs on start up if GroupRenderMode is set to Nested, there is a column with Width Star and a group descriptor applied.
You can not select different filtering options through keyboard navigation. The only possible way to select a filtering operator from the list with available filtering operators is to click on it.
GridViewCell.Errors - System.Collections.IEnumerable Errors { set; get; } Errors collection always returns a collection of strings. When using .NET 4.5 and INotifyDataErrorInfo the errors can be any type. In our case we are using a custom ValidationResult object that has different severity levels. Because GridViewCell.Errors always returns strings and not the original underlying ValidationResult object our DataTemplate for ValidationResult is not applied.
I want to get ItemsSource by retrieving a list from a dictionary, so I need 2 parameters, but I can't use MultiBinding to do this!
this is not related only to grid-inside-grid scenario (HierarchyChildTemplate), but also for a flat (classic) grid control. If you have a GridView and any other control (ex TextBox), you will notice that if you move focus from GridViewCell to TextBox, both
The workaround could be using QueryableCollectionView instead. Still, it does not suggest the exact same functionality as ICollectionView.
When a gridview is placed in TabControl, the following CodedUI tests will fail: Test 1. Click on a column header to sort by that column. Test 2. Click on a drop-down button to filter a column. Test 3. Drag a column to group by it.