Last Updated: 20 Aug 2024 13:47 by Martin Ivanov
In Development
Last Updated: 30 Aug 2024 15:04 by ADMIN
InvalidCastException when removing an item from a sorted bound grid. 
Last Updated: 19 Jul 2024 08:25 by Carlos
 Using the tab key to navigate the cells needs a few extra keystrokes to return to the beginning of the row.
Last Updated: 18 Jul 2024 09:05 by Carlos
 Provide a way to hide the edit buttons and have a edit mode similar to the default grid.
Last Updated: 23 Aug 2024 09:55 by ADMIN
Created by: Cody
Comments: 2
Category: DataGrid
Type: Bug Report
DataGrid: Column header missing margin.
Last Updated: 28 May 2024 08:48 by ADMIN

Hello, I tried to implement the sample application from your docs. (https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/winui/controls/raddatagrid/row-details)

But it seems to be not working, the detail area is not displayed completely. Only one column.

I have a similar behavior on another application.


  • .NET 7
  • Windows 11 Pro Version 23H2 (22631.3155)
  • Telerik WinUI 2.9.0

Last Updated: 15 Feb 2024 15:34 by Martin Ivanov

The field filters in the DataGridNumericalFilterControl of DataGridNumericalColumn are using RadNumericBox controls for the input visuals. By default RadNumericBox is limited to values between 0 and 100, which means you cannot enter values outside of this range.

To work this around, you can re-template the DataGridNumericalFilterControl in order to set the Minimum and Maximum properties of the RadNumericBox element to NaN.

    xmlns:local="using:App3" xmlns:telerikDataGrid="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid.Primitives" xmlns:telerikInput="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input">
                <XamlControlsResources xmlns="using:Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls" />
                <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///Telerik.WinUI.Controls/Themes/Generic.xaml"/>

            <Style TargetType="telerikDataGrid:DataGridNumericalFilterControl">
                <Setter Property="Template">
                        <ControlTemplate TargetType="telerikDataGrid:DataGridNumericalFilterControl">
                                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                                <ComboBox x:Name="PART_OperatorCombo"
                                          ItemsSource="{Binding OperatorsList}"
                                          SelectedItem="{Binding FilterDescriptor.Operator, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={StaticResource FilterOperatorConverter}}"
                                <telerikInput:RadNumericBox x:Name="PART_ValueBox"
                                              Value="{Binding FilterDescriptor.Value, Mode=TwoWay}"
                                              Grid.Row="1" Margin="0 10 0 0"/>

Last Updated: 07 Feb 2024 11:21 by Martin Ivanov

Dynamically changing the Header of a RadDataGrid column is clearing the header visual's content. This means that you no longer see the header. To reproduce this the SizeMode of the column should be set to Fixed.

To work this around, instead of changing the Header of the column, you can assign the Header initially to a visual element - like TextBox - and change its content (like the Text property). Or alternatively, avoid the Fixed SizeMode.

Last Updated: 11 Mar 2024 12:52 by ADMIN

The default behavior of the WinUI native Popup is to render within the bounds of its owner element. This means if the DataGrid reaches the end of the window and there is not enough space for the filtering control to draw, it will get clipped.

To avoid the clipping and allow the Popup to get displayed outside of the window, the ShouldConstrainToRootBounds property of the Popup should be set to false. 

Add an API in the RadDataGrid control to allow setting the ShouldConstrainToRootBounds option of the Popup.

In the meantime, you can disable the Popup constrain via an implicit Style in App.xaml:

            <XamlControlsResources xmlns="using:Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls" />
            <ResourceDictionary Source="ms-appx:///Telerik.WinUI.Controls/Themes/Generic.xaml"/>
            <!-- Other merged dictionaries here -->
        <Style TargetType="Popup">
            <Setter Property="ShouldConstrainToRootBounds" Value="False" />
        <!-- Other app resources here -->

Last Updated: 05 Aug 2024 05:52 by ADMIN
Release 2.10.1 (2024 Q3)
Reordering columns via drag and drop throws an exception.
Last Updated: 21 Sep 2023 15:07 by Martin Ivanov
This can be reproduced if you place a ComboBox in the RowDetailsTemplate which selection is bound to a property of the data row's model. Changing the selection in the ComboBox for one row and then expanding another row, will set the selection property of the previous row model to the value from the new model.
Last Updated: 13 Sep 2023 15:01 by Martin Ivanov

Remove the space reserved for the sort indicator in the column header, when CanUserSort is False and therefore the sort indicator is not displayed. The current behavior prevents the user to easily center the header text.

To work this around, you can edit the ControlTemplate of DataGridColumnHeader. In the template, you can update the Visibility of the TextBlock with x:Name set to "SortIndicator" when CanUserSort is False.

Last Updated: 04 Sep 2023 15:05 by Martin Ivanov
Currently, the first and second filters in the filtering control of the column are case sensitive by default. This is controlled by the IsCaseSensitive of the TextFilterDescriptor. To change the default setting, you should implement custom DataGridTextFilterControl and custom FilterButtonTap command.

Add a setting on the column level to control the case sensitivity more easily.
Last Updated: 03 Jun 2024 09:27 by ADMIN

Hi Support


I'm using RadDataGrid on several pages in my application. There a pages where the scrollbar does not appear. On some pages it works.

The structure of the pages is similar. What are your suggestions to look for.




Last Updated: 05 Jun 2023 15:25 by Martin Ivanov
Currently, the distinct values in the filtering control show the direct value of the cell. For example, if the cell's data context is an object of the custom type MyCustomer, the distinct values will display the ToString() result of MyCustomer.

Allow changing the displayed value. This could be done by introducing a new property for the DataGrid columns (something like DistinctValuesDisplayPath).  
Last Updated: 12 Jun 2023 06:17 by ADMIN
Release 2.7.0
When the RadDataGrid is placed inside a Grid's RowDefinition with Auto Height, the row for the last item from the ItemsSource is not rendered. 
Last Updated: 12 Apr 2023 10:53 by Martin Ivanov
Created by: Martin Ivanov
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
Add corner radius option for the borders that wrap the DataGrid rows.
Last Updated: 04 Apr 2023 08:08 by ADMIN
Release 2.6.0
DataGrid is populated with Arsenal, Man United, Liverpool and distinct filter 'Liverpool' is applied via UI.
Adding new Liverpool instances does not change the UI but it should - multiple Liverpool instances should be present in the rows.
Last Updated: 08 Dec 2022 11:16 by Stenly
Created by: Stenly
Comments: 0
Category: DataGrid
Type: Feature Request
We could implement a functionality regarding the right-side frozen columns similar to the one from the WPF RadGridView.
Last Updated: 07 Dec 2022 11:41 by Stenly
Currently, the frozen columns do not have a separator between the frozen and unfrozen columns. We could include a separator similar to the one from the WPF RadGridView.
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