RadRichTextBox - add import from PDF file.
If you import a rtf document, it produces a span instances with highlight color property set to ARGB(255,0,0,0). Workaround: foreach (Span span in document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<Span>()) { if (span.HighlightColor == Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0)) { span.HighlightColor = Color.Transparent; } }
Improve redo-undo functionality of RadRichTextBox to allow removing a whole sentence or word by pressing CTRL+Z
The Docm (docx) and RTF files are not imported correctly. - Paragraph's alignment is not imported when RTF file is opened by RadRichTextBox - Importing of Docm (docx) file does not imports images and does not apply correct borders of table
The HtmlFormatProvider does not import correctly html content of div tags and css styles.
To reproduce, add a theme in design time and open the ThemeName drop down from the editor's SmartTag
Html export of RadRichTextBox to perform font-size export in different units. Case 2: If you export a document using the HtmlFormatProvider, all style properties which contain measurement units are exported in pixel units. This makes the exported documents look much smaller when opened on devices with higher pixel density. WORKAROUND: use Regex to find, convert and replace the font-size attributes HtmlFormatProvider html = new HtmlFormatProvider(); string res = html.Export(document); Regex regex = new Regex(@"font-size: [0-9]*\.?[0-9]*px"); Match match = null; do { match = regex.Match(res); if (!match.Success) { break; } string value = match.Value.Substring("font-size: ".Length, match.Value.Length - "font-size: ".Length - "px".Length); double pts = double.Parse(value) * 72 / 96; res = res.Replace(match.Value, @"font-size: " + Math.Round(pts, 4) + "pt"); } while (match.Success); File.WriteAllText("output.html", res);
When a table cell contains nested table, and the paragraph after the nested table is empty, this paragraph could be collapsed, as in MS Word. This gives better look to nested tables, similar to how browsers visualize nested HTML tables. Note that the paragraph should be visualized when the caret moves the position inside the paragraph. Currently the paragraph is visualized with its full height, making the layout different than MS Word - it appears that there are redundant space after the nested table.
ADD. RadRichTextBox - add support for auto capitalization
ADD. RadRichTextBox - add support for line numbering
Support for opening word templates in RadRichTextBox
Import the following code: <ol> <li>Coffee</li> <li></li> <li>Milk</li> </ol
Workaround: public class MyInputBehavior : InputBehavior { public MyInputBehavior(DocumentView view) : base(view) { } public override bool ProcessKeyPress(System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e) { // TO DO: You code here e.KeyChar = char.ToUpper(e.KeyChar); return true; // By commenting the base call you are supresing the default logic //return base.ProcessKeyPress(e); } } Then you should replace the default input behavior by using the following code snippet: this.richTextBox.DocumentView.InputBehavior = new MyInputBehavior(this.richTextBox.DocumentView);
IMPROVE. RadRichTextBox - should be able to run with .NET Framework 3.5, rather than 4.0
The equation objects in word document are not copied and imported correctly in RadRichTextBox
RadRichTextBoxElement to be a custom editor of RadGridView
ADD. Export of Office 2010 dotx document templates.
ADD. RadRichTextBox - import text boxes from docx files
Invisible borders in html format are imported as black borders in RadRichTextBox Resolution: This issue is addressed in the new version of the control - RadRichTextEditor. Please use the new control instead the RadRichTextBox.
Currently it is not possible to control the HTML exported from RadRichTextBox and strip styles or embed them.