I am trying to capture the image of WPF application's Dialog using Bitmap actualBmp = element.Capture(); like one below
yellow color refers to the actual dialog and other colour refers to the main page of the application.
But it returns something like below (Image of the main page with the actual size of the dialog)
I want something like below to be captured
Steps to reproduce:
ActiveBrowser.Desktop.KeyBoard.KeyPress(Keys.Shift | Keys.End); ActiveBrowser.Desktop.KeyBoard.KeyPress(Keys.Shift | Keys.Home);
Expected: The combination selects the text in the field
Actual: The cursor only moves without selecting the text.
Workaround: Use the key combination Shift+A to select the text.
Steps to reproduce:
Expected: The code is compiled and executed as expected.
Actual: The converted code produces compilation error:
[ Compiler ] 15:57:58 'ERROR' > C:\TestProject1\WPFTest.tstest.cs(55,104) : error CS1061: 'FrameworkElement' does not contain a definition for 'SelectTime' and no accessible extension method 'SelectTime' accepting a first argument of type 'FrameworkElement' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 15:57:58 'INFO' > Build Failed
Workaround: Cast the element like this:
Applications.WPF_Demosexe.Telerik_UI_for_WPF_Desktop_Examples.PARTClockDatetimepickerclock.CastAs<Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Xaml.Wpf.DateTimePickerClock>().SelectTime("1:00 PM");
Steps to reproduce:
Expected: The test results to be displayed.
Actual: The view is empty with the message: "There are no test results for this run."
Workaround: Split each test into a separate test list.
Log on the machine where the Executive Dashboard is hosted shows below error.
Telerik.TestStudio.ResultsServer.exe(7192:313),Error] CloudStorageRepository`2.ExtractItemsFromResponseAsync() : Error getting entity: Telerik.TestStudio.Interfaces.Storage.IStorageDocument`1[[ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Repository.LightRunResultSingleTestTransport, ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design, Version=xxxx, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxx]], from url: http://xxxxx/v1/results?includeDeleted=xxx&skip=xxx&take=xx&schema=xxx Telerik.TestStudio.ResultsServer.exe(7192:313),Error] CloudStorageRepository`2.ExtractItemsFromResponseAsync() : {"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"Command aggregate failed: Sort exceeded memory limit of 104857600 bytes, but did not opt in to external sorting. Aborting operation.
I noticed that in the recurring scheduled test the settings do not persist if we select " Only on error..." .
It defaults back to "Always". I would expect it to remember the original setting.
Additional details shared internally!!!
A workaround is to manually refresh the DOM tree so that it gets updated to the current state of the page.
During a recording session the refresh DOM option is available in the Advanced Recording Tools window -> DOM Explorer tab -> Toolbar options -> Refresh button.
During test execution the refresh DOM option is available in a coded step - Manager.ActiveBrowser.RefreshDomTree();
While researching the case we also noticed that after some delay the DOM tree is refreshed automatically, so a delay step is also an option to be tried.
1. Record a test with elements that weren't in the repository
2. Move the element via Drag & Drop into an if-else case
3. Rename element in the TreeView on the left hand side
Normally the element name gets refreshed in the project and shows the correct name.
In an if-else case the name won't be refreshed.
1. start recording
2. enable hover over highlighting
3. switch window with [ALT]+[TAB]
After switching from WPF-Window into Telerik Teststudio the hover over highlighting is still active
There is a dialogbox in WPF app to which the recorder toolbar gets attached. When the highlighting is enabled for this window no of the elements get highlighted.
The workaround is to use the DOM explorer tab in the Advanced Recording Tools to locate the desired element and build the desired step that way.
Details for the dialogbox and app shared internally!
Although the actual image files are with good resolution and are smooth, when displayed in the Failure Details Images tab they are blurry.
It will be great to display the images better.
Steps to reproduce:
Expected: The references are added with relative path starting under the project root.
Actual: The project root is included in the relative path.
Add the option for radButton to verify if enabled in the offline step builder.
Steps to reproduce:
Expected: The option for verify if enabled step to be available.
Actual: The option is not available.
When trying to connect Test Studio project to Git source control the following error message appear:
Specific scenario where the download dialog is triggered in a new popup partial window cannot be handled in Edge. Additional details shared internally.
Workaround: Use Chrome with extension and Firefox.
If I have two tests in the viewer and I'm editing an element in test A, when I save and close it defaults to test B. An enhancement would be to return to the test you were just on.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open two tests in the project - Test A and Test B in this sequence.
2. Set focus on Step A and open an element from this test to edit.
3. Apply the changes in Elements pane and save. Close the Elements tab.
Expected: The focus to be set back on Test A.
Actual: The focus is set on Test B.
Note: Closing the Elements tab with middle mouse click (scroll wheel click) works as expected and sets the focus back on Test A.