Last Updated: 10 Jul 2023 18:30 by ADMIN
When in landscape mode for cropping (and possibly others) the toolbar flashes so you cannot use it.  This appears to be an android problem only as IOS it works. See attached video showing when in landscape mode the crop toolbar flashes making it unusable. I am using an android galaxy Tab A, model SM-T510.
Last Updated: 02 Aug 2023 10:41 by ADMIN
Release Microsoft Maui 7.0.92
Chat Room example throws an exception. The undesired behavior is reproduced with the latest .NET MAUI version (7.0.86).

Same behavior happens in SDK Chat examples with typing indicator and Picker inside chat
Last Updated: 26 Apr 2023 17:17 by Stephen

I have three RadDataForms in my login workflow. I have tried all of the various CommitModes and ValidationModes to prevent this error, but nothing seems to prevent these errors from manifesting.

I have a data form that has two fields: Username and Password. When this form is FIRST displayed, what appears to be validation errors (formatted error log output):

2023-04-26 09:22:18.9231 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'
2023-04-26 09:22:18.9330 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'

Then, I have a different RadData form that has five fields, First Name, Second Name, Email Address, Password and Password Confirmation. This leads to:

2023-04-26 09:22:46.6821 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'
2023-04-26 09:22:46.6821 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'
2023-04-26 09:22:46.7018 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'
2023-04-26 09:22:46.7018 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'
2023-04-26 09:22:46.7174 WARN  
  Call site:         BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Method name:       Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics.BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure
  Line:              0
  Exception Type:    
  Exception Message: 
  Stack Trace:    
  Additional Info:   '(null)' cannot be converted to type 'System.Boolean'

These errors are all encountered on the form's first load. Nothing has been entered into any field. No call to any validation methods is made. 

Here is how my general data form configuration is done:

    Style="{StaticResource DataFormStyle}"

I have attached the three classes I use as the binding context. I have tried None, Explicit, and LostFocus as settings for the two modes and it has no effect. While these errors look harmless and the form does provide error-checked data upon validation, I simply hate having any unnecessary errors in my log files.

What can I do to prevent these errors?



Last Updated: 26 Apr 2023 21:53 by ADMIN
Created by: Legrand
Comments: 2
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report



I'm using an horizontal listview, it's working well. But when I put in in a RadDocklayout, nothing is displayed. What am I doing wrong ?


See attached project.


Other question : is it possible to have cell fitting to the text inside the listview (ItemLength="*") ?



Last Updated: 08 May 2023 12:51 by ADMIN
Created by: Stephen
Comments: 8
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report

I don't have definitive proof on when it started but I did update my Telerik.UI.for.Maui NuGet package from Trial to an official licensed version and that is when I started to see bizarre behavior for the ButtonToolbarItem control. Suddenly, NO FONT ICONS show! Also, in my log file, I see this:

Unable to load font 'TelerikFont'.

I don't have this font installed in my Maui Resources\Fonts folder nor do I load it in my MauiProgram ConfigureFonts extension method for the MauiApp builder. It was working until two days ago.

I turned on BLAST mode in my debugger where I was seeing exceptions being thrown all over the place with regard to loading fonts. I am up against a crucial investor funding demo so I do not have the time to dig down to the core of this issue at the moment. This issue I am logging is there for you to ask me questions on things I can verify so we can work on this together.

What are some of the things you need me to do or look at to report back... The fact that NONE of my FontImageSource icons are being displayed in my RadToolBar ButtonToolbarItems is suspect. The reporting of the TelerikFont is even more suspect. I wasted a TON of valuable time today trying to find a workaround, but none could be found. GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT kept giving me bogus answers for properties on your controls that don't exist which only exacerbated my frustration. I tried to use PNG files as the icon, but your ButtonToolbarItem image source only allows font image sources which I think is a very bad design decision on your behalf. What if a font does not provide the correct image I wish to display? You really should allow png images to be used on these buttons!!!

Like I said, it was working up until several days ago...

Thanks, Steve

Last Updated: 19 Jun 2023 12:36 by ADMIN
Created by: Legrand
Comments: 1
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report

If I uncomment "HorizontalStackLayout", the image is not displayed.

I want to display 2 Imageeditor in the same tabview, how to do this ?

            x:Name="tabView" AutomationId="tabView"
            <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Face 1">
                <!--<telerik:RadImageEditorToolbar ImageEditor="{x:Reference imageEditor}">

                    <telerik:RadImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor1" 
                        Source = "{Binding DisplayedPhoto, TargetNullValue={versares:ImageResource Images.palette.png}}"

                    <!--<telerik:RadImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor2" 
                        Source = "{Binding DisplayedPhoto, TargetNullValue={versares:ImageResource Images.palette.png}}"

            <telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="Face 2">
                <Label Margin="10" Text="This is the content of the Folder tab" />

Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023 14:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Ray
Comments: 3
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report


showing extra border before dropdown arrow in version 5.0.0 and higher. see below image


Last Updated: 15 Mar 2023 12:10 by ADMIN
Release 5.1.0
Created by: Nathan
Comments: 2
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report

Hi team,

When deploying to certain platforms, under cetain circumstances, there is an exception that occurs in the DatePicker, TimePicker and a few other controls that rely on the same inner components. The stacktrace looks like it has to do with a default value for AppThemeBinding.

Thank you,


Last Updated: 24 Jan 2023 14:28 by ADMIN



IsOpen = true,
IsOpen = false,
IsOpen = true,
IsOpen = false,

while the last IsOpen update isn't ready, kills the Popup.
It works async, even if animations are set to none/0s and there is no public event to validate the last update is fully done (Popup opened/closed)

In my case i have a popup opened, while a search operation is running in the background.
If this background search returns too fast and i set IsOpen to false, the update is ignored and the popup keeps in an opened state.

Last Updated: 18 Jan 2023 12:55 by ADMIN
Release 5.0.0
Created by: Thomas
Comments: 0
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report
IsEnabled property does not work on all platforms.
Last Updated: 30 Nov 2022 11:14 by Terrell
BackgroundColor property of the CellDecorationStyle of any column overlaps all other colors of the DataGrid.
Last Updated: 28 Nov 2022 14:59 by Teddy
Created by: Teddy
Comments: 4
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report

I'm getting a NullReferenceException when trying to display a RadDataGrid that has a column where one of the objects in the PropertyName "chain" is null. For example, in your Columns -> Columns Overview section of your sample SDK browser (SDKBrowserMaui.Examples.DataGridControl.ColumnsCategory.ColumnsExample.Columns.xaml) the data grid is bound to a list of Clubs. If you add this code to Club (With nothing else. Keep Manager null):

private Person _manager;
public Person Manager
    get { return _manager; }
    set { UpdateValue(ref _manager, value); }

and then add this column to the grid:

<telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Manager.Name" 
When you run the application and get to that grid, you'll see one of 2 things. Either the grid throws a null reference exception or it looks something like this:
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 25 Oct 2022 13:01 by ADMIN
 RadComboBox missing arrow icon in window when create publish with 

 -p:SelfContained=true -p:WindowsAppSDKSelfContained=true
Last Updated: 18 Jan 2023 12:54 by ADMIN
Release 5.0.0

I am using the SDKBrowser app to demonstrate the problem. This does not happen on the emulator but on my physical device (Samsung S22). I have created a video and attached it.

When I enter a value into the Numeric input and click on the "." button, the entry does create a "," sign. This is fine but the cursor jumps back in front of the comma. I have to physically move the cursor back and can only then continue entering the decimal values.

The second problem is, if I accidently click the "." a second time after entering the decimal values, the app crashes.


I suspected it could be the language settings on the device. I am from South Africa and change the language of the device from English (South Africa) to English (United States) and then it works as expected. Regardless of this, I would expect the control to work with any culture.

Last Updated: 24 Oct 2022 10:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Cory
Comments: 3
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report


I am trying to run the Controls Sample to get familiar with the controls. However, I am unable to run the app on my attached iPhone. 


The app begins to load and then crashes.


2022-09-28 15:09:46.859 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[28369:1992314] Could not resolve assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.TapContract, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. Details: Could not load file or assembly '/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/46038C78-9283-4AE5-A2D9-7EA2D530A685/Documents/ControlsSamples.content/Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.TapContract.dll' or one of its dependencies.

2022-09-28 15:09:46.863 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[28369:1992314] Could not resolve assembly Xamarin.HotReload.Contracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. Details: Could not load file or assembly '/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/46038C78-9283-4AE5-A2D9-7EA2D530A685/Documents/ControlsSamples.content/Xamarin.HotReload.Contracts.dll' or one of its dependencies.

Resolved pending breakpoint for 'Xamarin.HotReload.HotReloadAgent.BreakpointSendToIde(System.String)' to D:\a\_work\1\s\HotReload\Source\Xamarin.HotReload.Agent\HotReloadAgent.cs:419 [0x00000].
2022-09-28 15:09:47.011 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[28369:1992314] Could not resolve assembly Xamarin.HotReload.Contracts, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. Details: Could not load file or assembly '/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/46038C78-9283-4AE5-A2D9-7EA2D530A685/Documents/ControlsSamples.content/Xamarin.HotReload.Contracts.dll' or one of its dependencies.

2022-09-28 15:09:47.013 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[28369:1992314] Could not resolve assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.TapContract, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. Details: Could not load file or assembly '/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/46038C78-9283-4AE5-A2D9-7EA2D530A685/Documents/ControlsSamples.content/Microsoft.VisualStudio.DesignTools.TapContract.dll' or one of its dependencies.

Resolved pending breakpoint for 'Xamarin.HotReload.HotReloadAgent.BreakpointCheckpoint()' to D:\a\_work\1\s\HotReload\Source\Xamarin.HotReload.Agent\HotReloadAgent.cs:414 [0x00000].
2022-09-28 15:09:47.363 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[28369:1992314] Could not resolve assembly ControlsSamples.XmlSerializers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null. Details: Could not load file or assembly '/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/46038C78-9283-4AE5-A2D9-7EA2D530A685/Documents/ControlsSamples.content/ControlsSamples.XmlSerializers.dll' or one of its dependencies.

Loaded assembly: Microsoft.GeneratedCode [External]
Thread started:  #7
Thread started:  #8
Thread started:  #9
2022-09-28 15:09:47.799 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[28369:1992314] *** NSForwarding: warning: object 0x280797d80 of class 'Telerik_Maui_Controls_Compatibility_DataControlsRenderer_iOS_TKExtendedListView' does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead

2022-09-28 15:09:47.800 Xamarin.PreBuilt.iOS[28369:1992314] *** NSForwarding: warning: object 0x280797d80 of class 'Telerik_Maui_Controls_Compatibility_DataControlsRenderer_iOS_TKExtendedListView' does not implement doesNotRecognizeSelector: -- abort
Last Updated: 10 Nov 2022 15:39 by ADMIN
Release 4.0.0

Hi, I have created a page with a DataGrid on. I have set the datagrid as editable. When I run the app and double click on a cell the cell changes to an entry but the cell keeps on growing. It is also not very responsive then. Only when I tap somewhere else the cell changes back and it returns to its original size.

This only happens on Android.

Here is my XAML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
             Title="Leaf Analysis Detail">
        <ToolbarItem Text="Save"
                  Command="{Binding EditCommand}"
                 Priority="0" />
            <Label Text="Land" Margin="10,12,10,0" FontSize="10" FontAttributes="Bold" TextColor="{StaticResource Primary}"></Label>

            <telerik:RadComboBox IsClearButtonVisible="False" 
                     ItemsSource="{Binding LandList}"
                     SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedLand, Mode=TwoWay}"
            <telerik:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" UserEditMode="Cell"  ItemsSource="{Binding LeafAnalysis.Detail}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" UserFilterMode="Disabled">
                    <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Chemical" CanUserEdit="False"
                            <telerik:DataGridTextCellStyle TextColor="Green" 
                                             SelectedTextColor="Orange"  />
                    <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="OptimalValue" CanUserEdit="False"

                    <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="ChemicalValue" 

                    <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Measurement"  CanUserEdit="False"



Here is my ViewModel

using FertilizerFarm.Services;

namespace FertilizerFarm.ViewModel;
[QueryProperty(nameof(LeafAnalysis), "LeafAnalysis")]
public partial class LeafAnalysisEditViewModel : BaseViewModel
    LeafAnalysis leafAnalysis;
    bool isRefreshing;
    ObservableCollection<Land> landList;
    Land selectedLand;

    string headerText;
    public bool Initiated { get; protected set; }

    IConnectivity connectivity;
    private readonly LeafAnalysisService leafService;
    private readonly LandService landService;

    public LeafAnalysisEditViewModel(IConnectivity connectivity, LeafAnalysisService leafService, LandService landService)

        Initialize = GetData();

    public Task Initialize { get; }
    private async Task GetData()

        var lands = await landService.GetLandsForUser();

        LandList = new ObservableCollection<Land>(lands);

        if (LandList.Count == 0)
            // show error
            SelectedLand = landList[0];
            LeafAnalysis = await leafService.GetNew(LandList[0].Id);

        Initiated = true;


    async Task Edit()
        if (IsBusy)



If you can't replicate I will scale down our current project to demonstrate the problem.

Last Updated: 04 Aug 2022 07:01 by ADMIN

            Text="Welcome to .NET MAUI!"
            HorizontalOptions="Center" />
        <Label Text="Status:" />


This works for Android. IOS gives error "Cannot resolve type "http://schemas.telerik.com/2022/xaml/maui:telerik:RadComboBox

But  telerik:RadCheckBox does not have the same problem.

            Text="Welcome to .NET MAUI!"
            HorizontalOptions="Center" />
        <Label Text="Status:" />
        <telerik:RadCheckBox IsChecked="True"/>


Will work for IOS and Android.

How do I fix this?

I am using VS Community 2022 Preview 

Version 17.3.0 Preview 6.0

and Telerik.UI.for.Maui.Trial 2.2.0




Last Updated: 07 Sep 2022 15:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Maulik
Comments: 5
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report
When focusing on combobox either by clicking on combobox or through tab focus it open the dropdown but many time it happens that the dropdown keeps blinking which makes it impossible to select any item from the dropdown. And due to very rapid show and hide of the dropdown it does not let choose any other control on the page and makes the entire page unusable.
Last Updated: 17 Aug 2022 11:51 by ADMIN
Created by: ward
Comments: 2
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report

  When update to 2.2.0, Running  by IOS Emulator failed,but version 2.1.0 is worked.

  Error Msg : The type initializer for 'SkiaSharp.SKObject' threw an exception.

  Please refer to image.

Last Updated: 19 Jul 2023 06:37 by ADMIN
Release 6.0.0
Created by: Larry
Comments: 0
Category: UI for .NET MAUI
Type: Bug Report
Note that this error is demonstrated by changing "<Button" (Maui) to "<telerik:RadButton" - no other changes.