Hi Guys,
Just upgrade to the 2025.1.211 release and during testing I have spotted a fundamental issue which should have been picked up during QA.
Run the following dojo
Open up the filter menu on the date column and hit the icon and you will find the date pop-up is constrained within the filter menu and cannot be navigated.
See attached screenshot - DateFilter.png
Note: This also effects filtering Date Time columns as well
Is there a workaround for this or do we have to wait another couple of months for the next release because as things stand we cannot pushed this to production.
This is a continuation of the following issue.
Probably related to:
The animation container's aria-hidden attribute causes a console error in Chrome and Edge.
The animation container's aria-hidden attribute should not cause a console error in Chrome and Edge.
Example: https://runner.telerik.io/fullscreen/yypoqSea
This example is based on the example from the docs with `navigatable: true` and enough data that the user needs to scroll in order to see the bottom row.
On Chrome on macOS, the filter menu cannot be used when `navigatable: true` and "Tap to click" is enabled in the macOS Trackpad settings. When clicking on the filter icon, the menu disappears very quickly (see screen recording). As a workaround, setting `navigatable` to false seems to resolve the problem. The same issue does not seem to occur on Safari, however, there is still odd behavior with the scrolling.
For some reason, screen size, resolution, and window settings impact the ability to reproduce the issue. The most reliable way for me to reproduce the issue was with Chrome in full screen on a 16-inch MacBook (13-inch works too) with the bookmarks bar showing and no external displays connected. Hiding the bookmarks bar or not using full screen seems to make it more difficult to reproduce.
See demo page: https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/colorpicker/configuration/clearbutton
The example uses "<input id="colorpicker" type="color" />". Opening the preview reveals a black color.
Change the input-tag to div and the 'clear'-style is presented in the preview.
Or remove the color type when using the input-tag: "<input id="colorpicker" />" also correctly represents clear.
I can also locally reproduce it with Kendo UI jQuery v2024.4.1112.
Line Chart Crosshair doesn't display on Tablets.
Display's fine on Desktop & also on Mobile, but tested on iPad and Android tablets the Crosshair line does not display.
Bug report
Line Chart Crosshair doesn't display on iPad iOS 17
Reproduction of the problem
Dojo: https://dojo.telerik.com/mGtuUvac
Expected/desired behavior
Crosshair shall display on tap
Browser: [all]
https://dojo.telerik.com/yBSdUQYS demonstrates the issue:
When a grid detail row is expanded, and pushUpdate() is called on it, the row collapses.
What is expected is for the grid row to remain in its prior state (expanded or collapsed.)
Until this is fixed, is there a work-around, other than manually re-expanding the detail row(s)? This is not a feasible work-around in which multiple nested grid rows are collapses and re-expanded, as this causes the UI to jump unexpectedly for the user.
There is an issue with the .k-sorted class being applied to the last column in the grid when the actual column is not visible. It also is not updating the k-sorted when a sort is applied after the grid was created.
This seems to be an issue in the latest release if the column sorted on is hidden, the last column in the grid gets the class. I also noticed that sorting a column does not apply the k-sorted class to the correct column: https://dojo.telerik.com/@dojolee/eFIbaSUn
We are facing issue on every popup and context menu open. aria-hidden property has been set to true by default while rendering the control.
Blocked aria-hidden on an element because the element that just received focus must not be hidden from assistive technology users. Avoid using aria-hidden on a focused element or its ancestor.
var chart = $("#chart").data("kendoChart");
var series = [];
$(theData.Serieses).each(function (index) {
name: theData.Serieses[index].Name,
field: theData.Serieses[index].Name,
data: theData.Serieses[index].SeriesPoints,
xField: "X",
yField: "Y",
color: theData.Serieses[index].Colour,
markers: {
type: theData.Serieses[index].Shape
chart.setOptions({ series: series, noData: series.length == 0 });
When updating a chart after instantiation, because noData defaults to true, the overlay is shown immediately
if you try and set noData via setOptions then redraw(), the overlay is still in place
Honestly, this should have been marked as a breaking change as every single chart has to be updated to force noData to false just to show initially
My use case:
On grid dataBound, I am iterating over the table rows to perform some piece of custom logic on the row based off of the backing dataItem. Our production site is using version 2024.1.130, and everything is working great. Our next release we've updated to version 2024.2.514, and when we try adding a record, we get an error; when we try to access the dataItem of the last table-row - the dataItem is undefined. The grid.items() in my case is an array of size 21, and the internal _data array is size 20.
Repro conditions (as far as I can tell):
My workaround:
Simply perform a null check on the dataItem before doing the logic. We are calling DataSource.read in the DataSource.sync success callback anyway, so the grid will reload and the dataBound event will be handled afresh.
I've created the below dojo snippet to demonstrate a simplified version of my use case. I tested with 2024.1.130 and seems to work fine. I noticed the issue starting at version 2024.1.319.
A note: No, I don't actually use the internal _data property in my code, just for debugging purposes :)
there is no binding for noData
noData?: boolean | undefined;
interface ChartOptions {
name?: string | undefined;
autoBind?: boolean | undefined;
axisDefaults?: ChartAxisDefaults | undefined;
categoryAxis?: ChartCategoryAxisItem | ChartCategoryAxisItem[] | undefined;
chartArea?: ChartChartArea | undefined;
dataSource?: any|any|kendo.data.DataSource | undefined;
legend?: ChartLegend | undefined;
panes?: ChartPane[] | undefined;
pannable?: boolean | ChartPannable | undefined;
pdf?: ChartPdf | undefined;
persistSeriesVisibility?: boolean | undefined;
plotArea?: ChartPlotArea | undefined;
renderAs?: string | undefined;
series?: ChartSeriesItem[] | undefined;
seriesColors?: any;
seriesDefaults?: ChartSeriesDefaults | undefined;
theme?: string | undefined;
subtitle?: string | ChartSubtitle | undefined;
title?: string | ChartTitle | undefined;
tooltip?: ChartTooltip | undefined;
transitions?: boolean | undefined;
valueAxis?: ChartValueAxisItem | ChartValueAxisItem[] | undefined;
xAxis?: ChartXAxisItem | ChartXAxisItem[] | undefined;
yAxis?: ChartYAxisItem | ChartYAxisItem[] | undefined;
zoomable?: boolean | ChartZoomable | undefined;
axisLabelClick?(e: ChartAxisLabelClickEvent): void;
dataBound?(e: ChartDataBoundEvent): void;
drag?(e: ChartDragEvent): void;
dragEnd?(e: ChartDragEndEvent): void;
dragStart?(e: ChartDragStartEvent): void;
legendItemClick?(e: ChartLegendItemClickEvent): void;
legendItemHover?(e: ChartLegendItemHoverEvent): void;
legendItemLeave?(e: ChartLegendItemLeaveEvent): void;
noteClick?(e: ChartNoteClickEvent): void;
noteHover?(e: ChartNoteHoverEvent): void;
noteLeave?(e: ChartNoteLeaveEvent): void;
paneRender?(e: ChartPaneRenderEvent): void;
plotAreaClick?(e: ChartPlotAreaClickEvent): void;
plotAreaHover?(e: ChartPlotAreaHoverEvent): void;
plotAreaLeave?(e: ChartPlotAreaLeaveEvent): void;
render?(e: ChartRenderEvent): void;
select?(e: ChartSelectEvent): void;
selectEnd?(e: ChartSelectEndEvent): void;
selectStart?(e: ChartSelectStartEvent): void;
seriesClick?(e: ChartSeriesClickEvent): void;
seriesHover?(e: ChartSeriesHoverEvent): void;
seriesOver?(e: ChartSeriesOverEvent): void;
seriesLeave?(e: ChartSeriesLeaveEvent): void;
zoom?(e: ChartZoomEvent): void;
zoomEnd?(e: ChartZoomEndEvent): void;
zoomStart?(e: ChartZoomStartEvent): void;
I'm seeing an error in the Chrome console when the filter menu is clicked on in a kendo grid: https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/filter-menu-customization
You can see the example in the link above by opening your console in Chrome and clicking on the filter button.
Here is the error:
Blocked aria-hidden on a <a> element because the element that just received focus must not be hidden from assistive technology users. Avoid using aria-hidden on a focused element or its ancestor. Consider using the inert attribute instead, which will also prevent focus. For more details, see the aria-hidden section of the WAI-ARIA specification at https://w3c.github.io/aria/#aria-hidden.
When the browser is zoomed, the TabStrip scroll right arrow does not change to disabled when there are no more tabs to scroll into view.
It looks like the problem is in kendo.tabstrip.js _toggleScrollButtons function, the following line:
that._scrollNextButton.toggleClass('k-disabled', scrollLeft === ul[0].scrollWidth - ul[0].offsetWidth);
When the browser is zoomed, kendo.scrollLeft(ul) returns a decimal value. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollLeft has the warning: "On systems using display scaling, scrollLeft may give you a decimal value."
scrollWidth and offsetWidth are rounded to integer.
My workaround is to override the _toggleScrollButtons function and do the following:
that._scrollNextButton.toggleClass('k-disabled', Math.abs(scrollLeft - (ul[0].scrollWidth - ul[0].offsetWidth)) <= 1);
Bug Title: Filter controls are not accessible via keyboard under 'Security Groups and Service Accounts' screen.
Severity: Sev1 (Critical)
Test Environment: OS: Windows 11 22H2
OS Build: 23620.1000
Repro steps:
1.Open https://codepen.io/oneID/pen/LYaGREP
2.Activate populate grid.
3.Try navigating to Column filter controls using keyboard.
4.Observe whether filter controls are accessible via keyboard under 'Security Groups and Service Accounts' screen or not.
Actual Result:
Keyboard focus does not remain on same control after pressing 'ESC' key to close the opened ‘Filter’ popup present under 'Security Group' screen.
Expected Result:
Keyboard focus should remain on same control after pressing 'ESC' key to close the opened ‘Filter’ popup present under 'Security Group' screen.
Inserting sheets in the Spreadsheet component is not working as expected.
Load New Sheet
ButtonError is thrown.
Error to not be persistent.
i've tried to apply autoFitColumn method for treelist accordingly to the documentation, https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/treelist/methods/autofitcolumn#autofitcolumn , and seems it assumes only "simple" columns structure, i.e. no nested headers.
When typing in the search input a value that does not match any item of the Filemanager's content view, while a subfolder is selected, the expand arrow disappears.
The expand arrow disappears.
The arrow should not disappear and the search to work correctly.