Currently, when the "Custom format" button in the Spreadsheet is clicked, the available predefined formats that can be applied to a cell appear as demonstrated in the below screenshot. These predefined options don't change if you set a specific Kendo UI culture.
It will be a very useful feature to be able to change the predefined custom formats. Also, it will be nice if the custom formats in the Spreadsheet can be set based on the selected Kendo UI culture.
It would be nice to have text orientation support (at least vertical) like in MS Office.
Hi Admin,
I made the DIV where I had the Spreadsheet widget in full screen mode by: document.fullscreenElement. I have some validations configured in the spreadsheet. Apparently, in full screen mode, the prompt opens behind it. Is there a way I can do an "appendTo" to the validation prompt?
Please advise.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
add a double line border single or multiple cell.
In percent-formatted cells, Excel will place a '%' as the user types. This allows 50% to be entered as '50'. Steps (excel and kendo): 1. Format a cell as percent 2. Enter 50 Excel shows "50.00%". The actual value is .5 Kendo widget shows "5000.00%". The actual value is 50
Currently only the global culture is used to parse dates. This behavior differs from Excel as I can enter 1/1/19 to parse to 1/1/2019. I would like the widget to format using the chosen date culture (mm/dd/yyyy), but parse in an optional way, such as mm/dd/yy.
When using the bottom right corner of a cell to batch copy values across a range by dragging the corner, an error popup appears if a disabled cell is found inside the range that was dragged into. It is possible to reproduce this with this demo: 1. Set the quantity column to disabled. 2. Select B3. 3. Drag the bottom right corner of B3 to D3. 4. See error: "Destination range contains disabled cells." There should be an option to allow that to copy into any enabled cells in that range and ignore the disabled ones.
Allow additional control over what a user can undo/redo, or a clearer way to control the undo/redo stack. Right now, users cannot undo more complex custom logic - i.e. a user deletes the content of a single cell which triggers code for us to clear the content of every cell in that row. When a user then attempts a single undo via keyboard shortcut, it cannot undo this more complex chain of events.
It would be great if you would add accessabbility to the spreadsheet as it seems to be the last control without this feature.
Currently the focus gets trapped inside its grid and the user cannot leave the spreadsheet with the TAB key. At least this should be avoided. It would be also better if only the first cell would be focusable and you then could navigate with the arrow keys, as with thousands of cells it is not very comfortable to use the TAB key.
When I use this formula
=HYPERLINK("mailto:"&B4&"?subject=“& B5 & “&body=“ & B6,", "test")
in the excel, I am able to click on the link which opens up my mail client with compose new email window and also populates To, Subject and Body of the email from cells B4, B5, B6 respectively.
But currently, HYPERLINK formula does not support "mailto:" functionality in Kendo UI spreadsheet. I would love to see this with kendo UI spreadsheet.
For more details you can see the discussion on the forums here.
add indent property to spreadsheet cells to closer match excel
Currently if I set column border width large, it has multiple problems: 1. it will overlay on columns next to it; 2. when copy the cell with thick border and paste somewhere else, the thick border get copied as well; 3. when select cell with thick border, the border will block part of editor;
Additional functionality for: -- Conditional Formatting -- coloring of cells, for example based upon a value and then be able to import from excel, and export back out. -- Data Validation (dropdowns). Also be able to import and export back out.
When trying to import an Excel document into the Kendo UI Spreadsheet with a missing/corrupt image reference, the file will not show.
The Kendo UI Spreadsheet fails to load the document.
The Kendo UI Spreadsheet should handle the error and load the Spreadsheet data without the image.
Hi Team,
I would like to request the Kendo UI Spreadsheet to have CSP support.
Thank you for the consideration!