When opening a Kendo dialog, it's in most cases necessary to prevent the background page from scrolling.
Telerik offers a solution to address this issue:
<kendo-dialog disableBackgroundScroll>
I'm using the DialogService and it would be good to be able to provide my own injector so I can extended the service. Currently the DialogService uses the container's injector.
Reason for this feature request is to provide data to the dialog itself via DI, similar to how Angular Material allows this via MAT_DIALOG_DATA injection token.
Provide a 'title' property for the DialogAction objects in order to have the ability to configure a tooltip for the action buttons of the Dialog when DialogService is used.
Currently, there is no existing option for setting a title for the action buttons when they are passed as a collection of DialogAction objects to the actions property. A title can be set only when the action buttons are configured separately in a template:
Because of the CSS, if a parent element has used translate (transform: translateX(0px); ) every child element under it is no longer fixed.
This causes components like kendo-dialog to be relatively positioned inside the drawer - usually cut off.
Even turning off animation still leaves the style rule.
Please provide closing animations for the Dialog just like there are animations for the opening.
Currently, the DialogAction only supports setting primary as a configuration.
Could it be extended to also allow other button variants - like look=flat or a cssClass config option?
Passing a template beats the entire purpose of using a service - you need to now add additional local HTML, manually handle button clicks etc.
Starting with version "4.2.3" the LanguageService fails to be injected into the DialogTitleBarComponent.
This can be easily reproduced in the Single Component Rendering demo.
Link to StackBlitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-mprlwl?file=app/user-info.component.ts
Kindest regards,
As already present on popupService -> https://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/popup/api/PopupSettings/#toc-popupclass
is it possible to have also dialogClass when dialogService is used?
I would like to switch off scrollbars for individual dialogs, thus it would be great to have a scrollable (https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/window/configuration/scrollable) option to control this behavior. This should be also available in the configuration of dialog service.
We need to have it possible to close the active dialog by click on the overlay(backdrop).
It's very natural as for me and is supported by a lot of libraries for modals/dialogs/windows
Kendo Feature Request
Allow users to disabled keyboard navigation in the Dialog component.
We have a use case where there is a sliding panel in which users can open a dialog. Currently when pressing 'Esc' both our sliding panel and the modal close because they both listen to the document.keydown event. We would like to write some custom logic for this, so that we are able to handle the events in a way so it knows what to close. But we are unable to implement this since we have no way to overwrite/disable the logic in the Dialog component.
I would like to move dialog (because there is some content behind I need to see in order to fill form in dialog).
It would also be great if it could be resizable. If you have an input component inside dialog, you could set width to 100%.
When opening a dialog with DialogService from an Observable (e.g. in order to initialize dialog with data from a http request) and ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, the dialog is messed up. With ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default everything works fine.
For reproduction have a look to this StackBlitz: https://angular-9vmvyv.stackblitz.io
Add configuration inputs for control animation of Dialog component.
Currently there is no way to provide a component from a lazy-loaded module as content in the Dialog Service.
We need a way to pass in the correct injector/componentFactoryResolver to use to load the component with.
Further discussion and possible solution are available in the following Angular GitHub threads:
Provide the "buttonLayout" (https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/dialog/configuration/buttonlayout) setting for Dialog and DialogService. Useful values for layout would we "Stretched", "Start", "Center" and "End".
It would be nice if it was possible to open kendo dialogs with separate component and template like you do in angular material, see below. https://material.angular.io/components/dialog/overview let dialogRef = dialog.open(UserProfileComponent, { height: '400px', width: '600px', }); dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => { console.log(`Dialog result: ${result}`); // Pizza! });
When using the DialogService (or the PopupService), you must pass either a TemplateRef or a Component class to the content property for it to create. However, if you have a Component that needs special initialization (i.e. constructor parameters) or that you have already created using a factory, you cannot use that as the content for the DialogService/PopupService. This feature request is to allow the content parameter to be valid if an existing component instance (already created) is passed.