Enable the customers to import SVG images and use them in their documents.
When exporting, an option of how to create the PDF bookmarks should be provided:
- Using the RadFlowDocument bookmarks
- Using document Headings
Implement page border property which could be applied over the whole document or over a specific page.
Table and table cell borders are not evaluated according to inheritance and conflict resolution rules. A conflict will occur when different borders from the table and table cell are overlapping. The GetActualValue method of the TableBorders and TableCellBorders could potentially return an incorrect value in some of the following scenarios: Scenario 1: A table has cell spacing set to 0. Meaning that the table and table cell borders will overlap. The table borders have defined all of its borders with border style "Single". The table cell borders have all of its borders defined with border style "None". Expected result: the resulting borders should have the border style set to "None" for the location where the table and the cell borders are overlapping. Scenario 2: A table has explicitly defined that its right border is with border style "None". The table has a table style applied with defined border style of type "Single" for all table borders. Expected result: All of the table borders except the right border should have border style of "Single". The problem is mostly visible when exporting to PDF and RTF format.
The paragraphs in RadFlowDocument can have paragraph borders. These borders are not exported when exporting the document to PDF.
Introduce Run.IsHidden property or similar, which hides the text in the document. In MS Word, text is hidden using the Home -> Font -> Font -> Effects -> Hidden. In the Rtf format, such text is preceded (marked) with a '\v' tag. In OOXML, the tag is <vanish/>. The display: none; style from HTML is mapped to hidden text when document is converted to DOCX. Hidden text is visualized with dotted underline when formatting symbols are shown. Hidden text is not exported to PDF.
TableRow which has defined an only val attribute of the trHeight is imported as a row with auto height. By the specification, this is right, but MS Word takes the val value as row height. Also MS Word exports "At Least" row height with only 'val' set.
Workaround: Iterate through the table rows and set them HeightType to Exact or AtLeast:
foreach (var row in this.document.EnumerateChildrenOfType<TableRow>())
row.Height = new TableRowHeight(HeightType.AtLeast, row.Height.Value);
Currently the PageOrientation property is used to determine the actual size of the paper to use on the printer and does not reflect document's visualization. In order to affect Section's appearance the user should change the PageSize and PageMargin properties. For convenience the Rotate method is introduced in order to update the properties simultaneously. However the usage of the Section.Rotate(PageOrientation) method is confusing since the properties are not updated when Section.PageOrientation is already set to the same value as the parameter. Also, Rotate method is useful only for rotating already created sections, and to create section with specified pages size and margins the user should set all Section's PageSize, PageMargin, PageOrientation properties anyway. More convenient API must be provided to create Section instances with correctly set properties for the desired page orientation.
In scenarios when center and right tabs are used for aligning the paragraph content to both left and right the text content in the exported PDF is not positioned as expected.
Currently, this property is implemented only in DOCX and RTF exports.
Allow to password-protect a document, so that it cannot be shown (read) without the password. Also, enable opening encrypted documents.
The non-breaking hyphen element is currently not supported in the model and is stripped when importing the document.
In the document produced by the mail merge, the date time and numeric formatting applied are not respected and the value is in its default format.
Add support for character spacing. Currently, such spacing cannot be set and are not imported.
LineInfo objects are not cleared when there are tables in the document being exported to PDF which leads to OutOfMemoryException.
HtmlFormatProvider does not maintain all the whitespaces on import even though {style="white-space: pre;"} was set.
It should support {style="white-space: pre-wrap;"} as well.
It can eventually be extended to support all the property's values: normal|nowrap|pre|pre-line|pre-wrap|initial|inherit.
In MS Word you can crop the image from Picture Tools -> Format -> Size -> Crop button in the ribbon. This preserves the whole image in the file, but when it is rendered it shows only the cropped image area. This is described with 'srcRect' element in OOXML.
When the last element in a table cell is an empty paragraph, the latter is skipped and not imported. It should be imported even if it's the only paragraph in the cell, as its properties could affect the layout and presentation (borders, colors, spacings).