The 'footer' attribute in the TagHelpers for both the DatePicker and DateTimePicker does not result in any corresponding markup / Javascript configuration on the page created by the view.
The StringExtensions -> ToCamelCase method(part of Kendo.Mvc.Extenstions) doesn't return the expected Camel case result.
Include the Kendo.Mvc.Extenstions namespace. Define the following in a controller:
public IActionResult Index()
string test = "RANDOMStatusId";
test = test.ToCamelCase();
return View();
Set a debugger and see the value of the "test" variable.
The returned from the ToCamelCase() method value is "rANDOMStatusId"
The expected result returned from the ToCamelCase() method value is "randomStatusId"
Dear Telerik
The feature is related to this thread.
It is related to a product environment.
Please can Telerik create functionality along the lines of:
$("#SomeGrid").data("kendoGrid").setOptions($("#SomeGrid").data("kendoGrid").mergeOptions(OptionsSaved, OptionsNew));
It would be great if the scaffolder can use an existing model (one that I created before starting the scaffolder). I also would like to have the option to select a namespace:
Trying to attach an event to the Core Sparkline wrapper like this:
@(Html.Kendo().Sparkline()leads to a compilation error:
Error CS0121 The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'SparklineBuilder<T>.Events(Action<ChartEventBuilder>)' and 'SparklineBuilder<T>.Events(Action<SparklineEventBuilder>)'
### Bug report
When Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation NuGet package is installed in Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core application, it throws an exception:
FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.DotNet.InternalAbstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'. The system cannot find the file specified.
### Reproduction of the problem
1. Create Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core MVC application (.NET Core version 6.0).
2. Install Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation NuGet package (version 6.0.5).
3. Turn on the Razor Runtime Compilation:
//Program.cs file
// Add services to the container.
.AddNewtonsoftJson(options => options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver())
4. Run the application and review the exception.
Attached is a runnable sample for reproduction.
### Workaround
Install Microsoft.DotNet.InternalAbstractions NuGet package (version: 1.0.0)
### Environment
* **Kendo UI version: 2022.2.510
* **jQuery version: 1.12.4
* **Browser: [all]
I am working with application where I have thousands of images to load on ImageBrowser of Kendo Editor.
ImageBrowser is getting stuck as having too many images to load, Can we have any option to add pagination or lazy loading in ImageBrowser?
So, I can load only 20 images at a time and other based on request.
My license doesn't include support so this is the only way I could reach out to you. On this page, the line
.Read(r ==> r
should have => instead of ==>. When I pasted this into visual studio, it was giving me completely unrelated error and took me a bit to figure out what was wrong. Please fix the typo.
It would be useful to have a grid operator for "IN" conditions. Right now we only have 2 options for an OR without having to use a custom filtering and custom clearing functions.
We have a lot of data that needs to be filtered that is not sequential. For example purposes:
Given that a customer has a standing purchase order for parts over time.
Given that serial numbers on said parts will not be sequential and may not be even be similar enough for wildcards (if that feature is provided.)
Given that we need to filter grid data to retrieve customer number, purchase order and a set of serial numbers, we need the equivalent of:
SELECT * FROM testdatatable WHERE customer = '#####' AND purchaseorder = '#####' AND serialnumber IN ('abciqwe', 'cid235', 'sn34087', 'hpk2679');
which would be WHERE WHERE customer = '#####' AND purchaseorder = '#####' AND (serialnumber = 'abciqwe' OR serialnumber = 'cid235' OR serialnumber = 'sn34087' OR serialnumber 'hpk2679');
So basically I would like to have the ability to have multiple OR statements and the operand could be 'contains' or 'not contains' as that would probably work better than "equal".
The DatePicker's popup has a CSS min-height property set that causes it to sometimes have an empty blank space at the bottom.
Review another occurence.
There should be a blank space in the DatePicker's popup.
kendo.aspnetmvc.js does not account for server aggregates serialized with came case property names like it does for Groups.
Can the following code (minus the comments) be included in a future release to resolve this?
function translateAggregateResults(aggregate) {
var obj = {};
// LSS: support for camel case serialization
obj[(aggregate.AggregateMethodName || aggregate.aggregateMethodName).toLowerCase()] = (aggregate.Value || aggregate.value);
return obj;
function translateAggregate(aggregates) {
var functionResult = {}, key, functionName, aggregate;
for (key in aggregates) {
functionResult = {};
aggregate = aggregates[key];
for (functionName in aggregate) {
functionResult[functionName.toLowerCase()] = aggregate[functionName];
aggregates[key] = functionResult;
return aggregates;
function convertAggregates(aggregates) {
var idx, length, aggregate;
var result = {};
for (idx = 0, length = aggregates.length; idx < length; idx++) {
aggregate = aggregates[idx];
// LSS: support for camel case serialization
result[(aggregate.Member || aggregate.member)] = extend(true, result[(aggregate.Member || aggregate.member)], translateAggregateResults(aggregate));
return result;
extend(true,, {
schemas: {
'aspnetmvc-ajax': {
groups: function (data) {
return $.map(this._dataAccessFunction(data), translateGroup);
aggregates: function (data) {
data = data.d || data;
// LSS: support for camel case serialization
var aggregates = data.AggregateResults || data.aggregateResults || [];
if (!$.isArray(aggregates)) {
for (var key in aggregates) {
aggregates[key] = convertAggregates(aggregates[key]);
return aggregates;
return convertAggregates(aggregates);
We have a requirement for circled progress bar. Need to know whether you have specifications regarding the requirement or any optimization need to be done within the given framework to get the desired result. Please find the attached file for reference.
Rathish S
Due to changes in the ASP.NET Core framework and how the Authentication is implemented the MVC5 implementation of the SecurityTrimming option became obsolete.
When using th-TH culture and setting a valid name for a component an exception InvalidOperationException: Name cannot contain spaces.
is thrown.
An InvalidOperationException: Name cannot contain spaces.
is thrown.
Exception should not be thrown and components should be rendered as expected.