Similar to the Sparklines in KendoUI -
If the body tag of the content area of RadEditor has applied font-size with em and line-height attribute in Chrome, the contents of the produced ordered/undoreded lists will be wrapped in a span tag with this formatting. Steps to reproduce: 1) Put the following CSS on the page <style> body { font-size: 0.875em; line-height: 10.4px; } </style> 2) Load this content in RadEditor line1<br /> line2<br /> line3 3) Select the three lines in Design mode and press the InsertUnorederedList button. The produced content in Google Chrome will be <ul> <li><span style="font-size: 0.875em; line-height: 10.4px;">line1</span></li> <li><span style="font-size: 0.875em; line-height: 10.4px;">line2</span></li> <li><span style="font-size: 0.875em; line-height: 10.4px;">line3</span></li> </ul> instead of the expected one: <ul> <li>line1</li> <li>line2</li> <li>line3</li> </ul> Note: This is a WebKit browser behavior which can be reproduced by firing the browser's execCommand method with the InsertOrderedList command identifier: editor.get_document().execCommand("InsertOrderedList");
If I create a table and add some content to one of the cells, when I click on the content and click either the ordered or unordered list buttons, the <td> tag gets replaced the the <ul> or <ol> tag. I was able to replicate this on all browsers I tried using the demo at
Allow the users to create their own attributes and to be able to work with their client representation after that.
combobox is not working in Android mobile Chrome browser. Try selecting Payment method on telerik demo at
Other skins or browsers are working fine. (Didn't test other IE Versions) Bug appears also at the Demo site
The behavior is observable in the demos on Telerik's site. I am using ie10 with ie7 document mode.
When large zip files with a lot of files inside is uploaded, the httphandler throws an System.OverflowException "Value was either too large or too small for an Int32." This only happens in HTML 5 File API mode.
This property can be used for server-side validation.
This happens after the first postback. Initially it works correct, but after postback, if you select part of the entered text, and start typing, the caret begins to the begining, and the newly typed char goes at first position.
Please provide a web control that would simulate windows 8 tiles: dragging, live-ness, etc..
When i set the TextBox width to a percentage value i.e. 100% inside a table cell that has colspan > 1, the TextBox does not expand to fill the table cell. This problem occurs in IE 9 with Telerik ASP.NET AJAX Controls v2013.1.220.40. It works fine in FireFox and Chrome. Attached are the screenshots and a clean sample project (no browser specific code/css).