I would like to know if Progress Telerik has some plan to port their WPF controls to Avalonia (avaloniaui.net).
Currently PropertyDefinitions have only one Property for DataBinding, which is very strange solution.
All these instances are DependencyObject, but at the same time they are not in the visual tree and we could not bind to a visibility or to readonly or to any other property without some starnge sorkarounds (why this was designed in this way?).
This makes these objects almost useless. becuae we cannot fully use them in an MVVM way (bindings, multiibindings, etc.)
Possible solutions:
We use a RadTreeView with many different item types that set a DefaultImageSrc based on a combination of item type and state
(from each item's view model).
For the currently selected TreeView item we would like to modify the item's image with a coloured border.
So it would be a very useful feature, if the TreeView item's SelectedImage could be derived from the DefaultImageSrc
via XAML Shapes (Rectangle, Line, etc.).
(Shapes can e.g. already be used to draw TreeView's Expander-Button for expanded/collapsed state, which is very useful).
Currently the only approach is to copy any item-type's image in the file system and modify it for selected state.
(Thus doubling the number of item image files.)
Given the number of images for different item types and states that we already have, this is not very practical.
Examples for DefaultImageSrc (left) and SelectedImageSrc (right):
Is it possible to extend RadTreeView, so that the SelectedImageSrc can be based on the given DefaultImageSrc, but with a modification provided via XAML?
HeaderSizeNeeded is fired twice with the same index and affects the header row width.
Develop a new control - Fisheye Panel.
New control request: FishEye menu.
A new Tag Cloud control similar to the WinForms and ASP.NET Ajax counterparts (http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/tagcloud/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx)
I use RadPdfViewer to view a PDF file in my WPF application, the PDF file has only one page and the contents are in the middle of the page, so I'm trying to zoom and focus on the middle of the page, I use the following code:
private void DocumentChanged(object sender, DocumentChangedEventArgs e)
pdfViewer.ScaleFactor = 1.3;
var size = pdfViewer.Document.Pages[0].Size;
pdfViewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(size.Height * 0.3);
pdfViewer.ScrollToHorizontalOffset(size.Width * 0.20);
however, I only see the horizontal scroll working.
How can I zoom then scroll to vertical and horizontal offset?
i hope add char controls
like :
Implement import of bullets and numbering which use the old Word 6.0/Word 95 format from RTF. This includes, but is not limited to, the following RTF tags: \pnlvlN, \pnlvlblt, \pnlvlbody, \pnlvlcont. See RTF specification, "Word 6.0 and Word 95 RTF" heading for full description. WordPad and some legacy systems export lists with this formatting, so the construction is relatively widespread. According to the specification, if RTF reader doesn't support specific bullets/numbering tags, it can use the \pntext tag to read the bullets/numbering as plain text; but currently RadRichTextBox always ignores the \pntext tag. Because of this, the bullets or numbers of lists in the old format are missing after import.
Implement a new LabelFitMode that prevents the axes labels from overlapping by increasing the LabelInteval.
Declined: This is no longer necessary after introducing the SmartLabelsMode.
Add a new Captcha control
Right now, it is not easy to disable styles for standard controls like Button.
Especially when using NoXaml.
You have to create an Empty style on Application level for the control to "rewind" its style.
I do believe this kind of style drags down performance of controls when unloading, since it causes StyleChanged events.
Some explanation about performance (how things work to my understanding). Might be BS, but I spend a few hours debugging through .net code to get this idea:
Issue is, that when control is unloaded, its not part of the logical / visual tree of the application anymore, so it falls back to styles defined on assembly level.
e.g. Themes/Generic.xaml. So the empty styles defined on Application level do not count anymore, but the ones you defined in your theme.
This can be observed on RadTabbedWindow. When unloading pages (like switching between them), controls fall back to the styles defined in the theme from Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation, because they are still children of that page.
You can observe this behaviour if you set a Breakpoint in FrameworkElement.OnStyleChanged before unloading a control tree.
If you'd remove the System.Windows.xaml from your theme-dictionaries so that one can decide to merge those styles or not, that would be great.
There could be different design for the left and right pages of the book.
Currently the palette of a theme can only be set for the entire application. Setting the palette per control instance should also be possible.
China has the largest population and we have a lot of Chinese customers. Increasing support for Chinese localization, IME and bug fixes should be a high priority.
Unfortunately, there are still no support plans for many features. In the Chinese environment, there are still many bugs.
Hope can be taken seriously!
There is too much unplanned feedback, not just in Chinese, but also in Japanese and Korean. These should be viewed as a single issue and considered a serious one.
That's more than enough votes. The following should be combined。