When a System.Windows.Interactivity.EventTrigger is attached to a ChartTrackBallBehavior a XamlParseException is thrown. A possible work-around for this would be to set the CommandParameter to be the parent collection of the behavior and not the behavior itself.
Add support for millisecond sampling interval to ChartDataSource.
Implement ChartSeriesLabelDefinition properties as DependencyProperties
Numeric axes should be able to specify their PlotMode as categorical axes do (currently numeric axes use hardcoded OnTicks plot mode).
Users should be able to create custom financial indicators.
Extend ChartSelectionBehavior to support continuous range selection through drag&drop.
When this mode is on - all of the points for which information in the track ball is shown should be on the left hand side of the mouse.
Set the DataContext of a Candlestick to be the DataPoint to allow binding to properties of the business object.
When this mode is on, information should be displayed for all data points in a given category (as opposed to displaying the closest points taken from different categories).
When the CartesianPlotBand annotation is bound to the vertical axis its 'From' value doesn't align with the axis. This changes when resizing.
Add grid line style selector
Implement Waterfall series type (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterfall_chart).
Currently plot band and marked zone annotations are not snapped to the ticks when the PlotMode of a CategoricalAxis is BetweenTicks. Instead the annotation starts from the middle of the slot, and from the middle of the bar (when using BarSeries). Introduce a way to snap plot band annotations and marked zone annotations to the ticks instead of the middle of the slot of the categorical axis.
ChartDataSource control should perform the sampling operation asynchronously in a background thread so that it is not blocking the UI thread.
ChartView: Implement radar column series.
Allow for the Polar chart to have multiple polar axes so that a user can easily understand what value does a data point have. For example a polar chart with four axes (with the same range) and an axis in each quadrant.
Add support for axis with multi-level categories.
MovingAverageIndicator doesn't recalculate its data points when a new item is added in its ItemsSource at runtime Workaround: To update the data points of the indicator reset its Period property when a new item is added in the ItemsSource. For example: // add new item var indicator = chart.Indicators[0] as MovingAverageIndicator; var period = indicator.Period; indicator.Period = 0; indicator.Period = period;
In a multiple series scenario if one series gets removed, an internal axis flag is incorrectly reset resulting in the horizontal axis displaying only one label when SmartLabelsMode is used. One way to work-around this is to add an empty dummy series after removing a real series: this.chart1.Series.Remove(EmptyDummySeries); if (this.chart1.Series.Count > 0) { this.chart1.Series.RemoveAt(this.chart1.Series.Count - 1); if (this.chart1.Series.Count > 0) { this.chart1.Series.Add(EmptyDummySeries); } }
The data points are not rendered when the series' axis is set at runtime through a DataTrigger in the series' style. Note: The data points are rendered when the chart is resized or zoomed. Workaround: Change the resource type in the DataTrigger that changes the axis - instead of DynamicResource, use StaticResource. <telerik:CategoricalSeriesDescriptor.Style> <Style TargetType="telerik:LineSeries"> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=Axis}" Value="Left"> <Setter Property="VerticalAxis" Value="{StaticResource AxisLeft}"/> </DataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=Axis}" Value="Right"> <Setter Property="VerticalAxis" Value="{StaticResource AxisRight}"/> </DataTrigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> </telerik:CategoricalSeriesDescriptor.Style>