Add a possibility to imitate fullscreen mode.
Drawing graphics inside the RadRibbonWindow causes performance hit. More information and videos in the support thread
Allow extending the Window glass frame into the RadRibbonWindow content
ApplicationName is off center when TabStripAdditionalContent contains an element with long text/content
Initially RibbonView gets rendered design-time. Trying to edit RibbonTab-s or add new one causes the whole control to dissapear in the designer. Clean and rebuild of the solution doesn't help -- cleaning the Shadow cache of Visual Studio Designer is the onliest thing that helps. The issue reproduces with Class Library containing the Ribbon setup and IsWindowsThemeEnabled property of RibbonWIndow turned off (default value).
Implement AutoHide functionality in the RadRibbonWindow like the Office 2013 has.
A black border is displayed around the window when SizeToContent is set on Windows7 with disabled aero.
When the RibbonWindow contains WindowFormsHost element with WinForms controls and the window is resized (for example with the Maximize/Restore Down buttons), the resizing is slow. Note: The issue is reproducible only if the RadRibbonWindow.IsWindowsThemeEnabled static property is set to False
When the RadRibbonView is hosted in RadRibbonWindow under Windows7, the top part of the default inner border of the RadRibbonWindow is cut.
RadRibbonSplitButton text is too close to the border of the button due to lacking padding in the TextBlock holding text. Also the Text is a few pixels off vertically compared to the other ribbon buttons.
RibbonWindow Title is displayer on multiple lines when its value is set to a very long string and used on Windows7(Aero).
The minimized content is not closed when you click outside of the ribbon when you have explicitly MouseUp-ed outside of the RibbonView aria.
Improve the performance of the keytips functionality.
As a workaround set a Margin="0,0,1,0" to the RadBibbonView in order to have the functionality working in the area of the RadRibbonView.
RibbonView galleries should support keyboard navigation, for example, up/down buttons should move the focus to the gallery, and move selection accordingly.
Allow the users to use special symbols Alt+123(not activating the KeyTips) and displaying the special symbol instead.
In Office 2013, the user can click and press on a SplitButton or DropDownButton, which opens the drop-down without releasing the mouse. The user can move/drag the mouse down to a menu item, then release the mouse to execute the menu item. This is similar to the way menus work. Please provide this functionality in the RadRibbonSplitButton and RadRibbonDropDownButton.
When you open the drop down button of the QuickAccessToolbar and then mouse over its drop down content, the "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" tool tip is displayed. This tool tip should be displayed only when the button is hovered