Like the EnableSmallAppointmentRendering property of the DayViewDefinition/WeekViewDefinition.
Add property that will include the AllDayArea in the area to be scrolled with the time scroll so that the user can scroll it too.
Currently it is possible to set only fixed width to the GroupHeaders.
The scroll goes only to the top or to the bottom.
When edit the a recurrent appointment by dragging or resizing it, existing exceptions are not cleared. They are cleared only when edit the appointment by its dialog.
I need an overview of the appointments in the range of multiple days of several resources (let's say, employees).
For this, the agenda view would be perfect if it shows the days as rows but the grouped resources as columns.
In the current version it as possible to group by resources in the agenda view, but the single resources can be displayed only as rows along with the days. This way an overview is not possible. At now, I have to put several ScheduleView controls side by side, each displaying a single resource, to achieve the desired view.
Therefore I want to engage a feature request:
Please, in the agenda view, allow a grouping of resources with arranging them in a horizontal way, while the days stay arranged in a vertical manner.
Make it possible to render custom elements in the TimeRuler of the control. Possible uses could be when you want to render an indicator like the CurrentTimeIndicator but for different time zone.
Implement a way to hide weekends from MonthView
When creating an recurrent appointment on the 31st of the month Outlook gives the user a warning: "Some months have fewer than 31 days. For these months, the occurrence will fall on the last day of the month." And as the message indicates, the event occurrences would start on the last day of the month when the 31st does not exist. This will set the occurrences at the end of each month regardless of the length of the month.
New ViewDefinition which shows an overview of a complete year. There should be a separate Calendar for each month and the days which have appointments should appear in Bold style.
Whens scrolling a group that is Freezed to remain always in View.
When a time line view is used with resource descriptors and a single resource contains multiple appointments ScrollIntoView scrolls to the wrong position. The resource slot is scrolled in the view but the appointment is not in view when the slot is large. Attached is a sample project demonstrating the problem.
"I need to have three edit appointment templates and according with the option selected by the user, I have to select one o the three templates. Each template has different fields and also I need to have some read fields an read/write fields."