In AgendaView, you can see the start, end, and subject of each appointment. When All Day event is set to one appointment, its start and end time is not changed. The text can be changed to All Day Event.
The GetOccurrencesWithoutExceptionsFromDateTimeRange should return the occurrences of a recurring appointment, without the exceptions (modified or deleted occurrences). However, now the method returns modified occurrences and skips only the deleted ones. The method should skip also the modified occurrences.
To work this around, exclude the exceptions using their state property:
var occurrencesWithoutExceptions = appointment.GetOccurrencesWithoutExceptionsFromDateTimeRange(appointment.Start, DateTime.Now.AddDays(130)).Where(o => o.State != RecurrenceState.Exception);
Hello ,
some of our users noticed that the RadScheduleView control has a weird display bug in timeline mode when
The following screenshot shows, what the timeline should look like (I used the default Calendar template and added a few more resources and random appointments for each resource by modifying SampleContentService.cs a bit, see comments in attachment, and adding the resources in CalendarView.xaml, l.316):
And the following Screenshot shows what the same view looks like under the previously mentioned circumstances. It seems that the resource headers are not rendered anymore and all appointments are stuck to the first row.
Steps to reproduce:
Whenever this display bug occurs, any change like scrolling, resizing the window, adding an appointment restores the correct layout.
This problem seems to exist in UI for WPF 2020 R2 and R3
If I can provide you with any more information, please let me know.
Simon Müller
Hofmann Fördertechnik GmbH
The group header button in the Agenda view is not localized in some Telerik themes.
To work this around, extract the default GroupHeaderTemplateSelector from the Telerik.Windows.Controls.ScheduleView.xaml file. Then replace the Text binding of the second TextBlock in the AgendaViewHorizontalTopDateTemplate. It should be:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="8 0 10 0">
<TextBlock Margin="0 0 7 0" FontSize="40" Text="{Binding Name, StringFormat='{}{0:dd}'}" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Margin="0 10 0 0" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name, StringFormat='{}{0:dddd}'}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name, StringFormat='{}{0:MMMM, yyyy}'}" />
I have discovered a bug that appears when a RadScheduleView is used with the ScheduleViewStyleSelector to style the appointments and the theme is changed.
Steps to reproduce:
Result: The "old" appearance of the appointments stays after changing the theme.
Expected behavior: The appearance of the appointments changes according to the new theme.
I have attached a solution with the described behavior and an image of the outcome.
public class CustomScheduleView : RadScheduleView
protected override void OnActiveViewDefinitionChanged(ViewDefinitionBase oldValue, ViewDefinitionBase newValue)
base.OnActiveViewDefinitionChanged(oldValue, newValue);
I need an overview of the appointments in the range of multiple days of several resources (let's say, employees).
For this, the agenda view would be perfect if it shows the days as rows but the grouped resources as columns.
In the current version it as possible to group by resources in the agenda view, but the single resources can be displayed only as rows along with the days. This way an overview is not possible. At now, I have to put several ScheduleView controls side by side, each displaying a single resource, to achieve the desired view.
Therefore I want to engage a feature request:
Please, in the agenda view, allow a grouping of resources with arranging them in a horizontal way, while the days stay arranged in a vertical manner.